chapter four

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The sisters are sitting opposite of each other at the kitchen table as August is standing at the end of the table while Cordell is standing by the counter.

"Um, do we have all the headlamps?" August asks.

"Uh, check." Stella states. August reaches over and checks for himself. "What is the point of doing this if you're just gonna do it yourself?"

"Look, I'm just trying to make sure we don't repeat that 2017 fiasco, all right?" August says.

"Augie has a point." Cordell states.

"He does." Janie agrees.

"Who thinks a picnic blanket is a hammock anyway, right?" Cordell asks the twins while motioning to Stella.

"Mom! Mom did it." Stella insists.

"Oh, mom." Cordell sarcastically says.

"Yeah." August sarcastically agrees.

Cordell's phone rings and he answers it.

"Hey, uh, emergency at the Side Step." Cordell tells them after he hung the phone up.

"Would you look at that. A last minute case." Stella says.

"Yeah, that's a shocker." Janie mutters.

"There's no case. I'll be right back." Cordell tells them before leaving.


"Then turn left after the giant oak tree. Yeah, we're almost finished packing." Stella tells the person over the phone before hanging up. She's in her closet while the twins sit on her bed.

"I, uh, thought you already finished packing." August says.

"I only had one evening look, and this top isn't going to work by the lake and a campfire. And a flannel just seemed too off message." Stella says as August stands up.

"Off message for what? The trees?" Janie asks.

"Yeah, what exactly is the message here?" August asks.

"Honoring mom." Stella states.

"Yeah, she would fine with you wearing the same one or two shirts." Janie states.

"Well, we need someone to get there cause neither one of us can drive." Stella says.

"Well, that's your fault." Janie says and Stella glares at her.

"Look, camping was mom's favorite thing, and I'm not gonna waste this day just cause dad bailed." Stella says.

"Come on, you don't know that." August says and Stella gives him a look. They both look at Janie.

"I'm on either side, honestly." Janie says.

"Hey." They hear and turn to see their grandpa walk in. "Bags in the van. Oscar Mike in 15."

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