chapter thirteen

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They're in detention and Trey is in the hallway on the phone. Colton is at a table by himself, Todd and Stella are at the same table but on opposite ends of it. August and Janie are at the same table, sitting diagonal of each other.

"I just want to point out that I'm here in detention because I got punched in the face." Colton says.

"What? No, no, no. You almost ran over my sister with your car." August says.

"No, no. She accused me of doing something I didn't do." Colton says.

"And that was your response?" Stella asks. "I was wrong but so were you for what you said."

"Can we just skip to the end of The Breakfast Club?" Todd asks. "You know, where all the archetypes start to get along?"

"Archetypes?" Colton asks.

"You know, the cool girl..." Todd says, looking at Stella. "The film geek..." He looks at August.

"Music is-is more my jam now." August says.

"The introverted loner." Todd motions to Janie.

"Excuse you?" Janie looks at him questioningly.

"Well, we know you lean more towards the introverted side on the ambivert scale. And, what, you have friends outside your twin brother?" Todd asks.

"Oh, I'm gonna--" Janie gets up to attack him, but August kicks her shin making her sit down.

"The beautiful idiot." Todd says, referring to himself.

"Oh, please." Janie whispers, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, you have got to stop calling yourself that." Stella says.

"The beautiful, misunderstood idiot." Todd rephrases. Janie dramatically rolls her eyes. "And..." He points at Colton.

"The one who shouldn't be here." Colton says.

Trey hangs up, walking back in.

"Okay. There seems to be some communication issues that we need to..." Trey stops, looking at the twins' table. "August." He calls, getting the boy's attention. "Eyes on me."

August sighs, turning his chair around so he's facing Trey.

"There seems to be some communication issues that we need to deal with." Trey says. "So, change in plans."

"Field trip?" Todd asks.

"No, Todd. We're going to do a training exercise. Something I picked up in the military." Trey says.

"Oh, God." Janie mumbles, letting out an almost inaudible groan.

"On your feet. Let's go!" Trey orders. They all reluctantly get up, following Trey.

They follow Trey who leads them onto the football field.

"It's all about trust, a failure to communicate. So... we're gonna work on a little team building." Trey says, receiving collective groans from the 5 teens. "All right, all right, all right. Calm down. Alright? August, Janie, Todd, you're gonna be in locker room one. Stella and Colton, locker room two. You like those signs? I made 'em."

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