chapter fifteen

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The siblings are carrying a Christmas tree to the house, August going too fast for the girls' liking.

"Ow. Ow. Okay, okay. All right, let's go." August says, trying to move quicker.

"Slow down, Augie. Wait for us." Stella says.

"Dude, I can't move this fast." Janie protests.

"Let's set it down." August says. "Come on. It hurts." He says as Stella shuts the door and they rush to the living room, setting the tree down.

August groans in pain, holding his shoulder.

"All right, is it bad I can't rotate it that way, or, like, hell, any way, anymore?" August asks.

"Given, A. you could before, B. your other arm can, and C. that's kind of part of what a shoulder's supposed to do, I'm thinking yeah." Janie says.

"Maybe dad should take you to the doctors." Stella says.

"Yes. Exactly." Janie agrees.

"Smart, Stel, Jane. Then he finds out that we were trespassing at the Davidsons." August says.

"He's gonna find out when you he tries to touch your shoulder in any kind of way. Or when your arm becomes completely unmovable. Or you pick up a piece of paper." Janie says.

"It's not that bad." August rolls his eyes.

"Okay, fine. I'll get you some food, you use a fork to eat it -- with your right hand -- no pain." Janie says.

"I don't want to." August mumbles.

"Mm-hmm." Janie nods.

"Look, not if you come up with an alternate cause of injury." Stella says.

"Yeah, because we're all as fluent in lying to dad as you are? Right." August says.

"You're right. He always somehow knows with you." Stella says.

"It's just me? Really?" August asks.

"Yeah, pretty much." Janie nods. "Let me see your shoulder."

"What, because you're a doctor all of a sudden?" August asks.

"Just let me see it." Janie says, trying to pull the collar of his jacket and shirt down.

"No, leave it alone." August protests, fighting her off with his good arm.

"Dude, you should probably at least ice it." Janie says.

"Then he'll know." August says, the two still fighting. "Stop momming me." He whines.

"Don't climb a burnt old barn like an idiot. Oh, wait. You already did." Janie says.

"What, you've never done something stupid." August grumbles.

"Stupid, yes. Life threatening, not really, no." Janie answers.

"Okay, you two stooges, back to the tree." Stella says. "Look, I could use one last night of freedom is all, especially after exams." She says.

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