chapter fourteen

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The family are at the Side Step, having breakfast.

"All right, here's the bacon." Cordell announces, walking over to the table his family is sitting at.

"Bring it here." Bonham says.

"I have something, uh, very important to share with y'all. I'm gonna wait until... Uncle Liam doesn't get here." Cordell tells them.

"That doesn't sound ominous." Stella jokes.

"Yeah, who died?" Janie mutters.

"Ooh, "ominous." Yeah. Someone's SAT prep courses are paying off." August says.

"Hey. I utilized "ominous" prior to prep." Stella objects.

"Definitely never utilized "utilize" so they must be paying off." Janie smiles.

"Liam, hey!" Cordell greets as his younger brother walks in.

"Hope y'all didn't wait for me to start eating." Liam says.

"Of course not. I don't have that kinda patience." Janie says, Liam chuckling at her.

"I already got my green juice, though." Liam says.

"I'm sure everyone was worried about that." Janie mutters.

"Luckily, Saturday is my cheat day, so..." Liam reaches for the bacon.

"Hey! Bacon isn't a cheat. It's a lifestyle." Bonham says.

"So, what's the big news, big brother?" Liam asks.

"There-There's a camera hidden in our home." Cordell announces. Janie freezes with the eggs halfway to her mouth, looking at her dad confused.

"Is this like a... like a scavenger hunt?" August questions.

"Did you put in a security system?" Abilene asks.

"How is that a breakfast out worthy announcement?" Janie questions.

"I don't need no stinking security system." Bonham objects.

"You brought me down here for a scavenger hunt." Liam smiles.

"Why can't people just say what they mean?" Stella asks, everybody talking over each other.

"Okay, okay, okay. Stop, stop, stop, stop." Cordell talks over them. "Stop, please. Please, please. Listen." he gets their attention. "What I'm saying is that... somebody or-or-or somebodies, um, broke into the ranch and hid a surveillance camera-- uh, more likely more than one-- in our home, to spy on us."

"When did you learn this?" Abilene asks.

"Last night. After-after..."

"You let us sleep at home after you found a spy camera?" Stella asks. "The day I take my SATs."

"I needed to make sure you were all safe." Cordell says. "And now I'm a step ahead of whoever's watching our home, a-and I can get to the bottom of this. Plus, I have a decent idea of who is responsible."

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