chapter eight

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13 months ago

Janie is putting together a playlist on her phone while the song for her next dance competition plays and she does small movements out of habit and trying to be more fluent in it. She's standing next to August who is taking pictures.

"Oh, hey. Is it okay if I use your camera?" August asks his mom when she walks out to the car to load it up.

"Of course. I was hoping you'd pick it up." Emily tells him, putting the stuff in the trunk of the car.

"Well, uh, what should I take a picture of?" August asks. Emily thinks before striking a pose.

"Something to remember me by." Emily says and August takes a picture of her.

"Stella, are you sure about basketball? You're so good at soccer." Emily says to her daughter who is dribbling a basketball while August goes back to taking pictures. Emily kicks the basketball to Stella who kicks it back.

Emily's phone rings and she answers it.

"Hey, baby. You on your way?" Emily asks. After hanging up, she turns back to Stella. "Hit me." They kick the ball back and forth a few times. "See?" She says making Stella chuckle.

Emily goes over to Janie who is copying the video she recorded from dance practice, trying to get the moves down. Emily gets to her and starts disco dancing.

"Oh, God, mom, please don't." Janie laughs.

"Don't worry. You'll do great in your competition next week." Emily assures, brushing some hair behind her younger daughter's ear. "You always crush it. And remember, I'll be the loudest person there."

"You know, you could cheer and support silently too." Janie says.

"Oh, you love it." Emily says and Janie smiles a little, glad that her mom is supportive.

"Yeah, whatever." Janie grumbles, pretending to not accept the affection which makes Emily smile and kiss her on the cheek.

Bonham gets there and Emily walks over to him, talking to him. Janie tunes the conversation out, focusing on her dancing. She hears a shutter and turns to see August took a picture of her.

"Seriously?" Janie asks and August innocently grins.

"Love you!" Emily calls as she gets ready to leave.

"Bye, mom. Love you." August replies.

"Love you." Janie calls, sending her mom a smile.

"Love you." Emily tells her oldest.

"Love you, mom." Stella smiles at her.

Emily gets in the car and start to drive off, her children and parents-in-law waving bye.


They get back to Bonham and Abilene's house after Emily's funeral, all silently making their way inside.

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