chapter nineteen

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"Okay." Cordell walks out of the kitchen at the Side Step. "Order's up." He says, putting a plate of bacon near his three children. They all thank him, already having the rest of their breakfast in front of them. "Okay, let's get back to work. So, I have South Lamar and Mueller. Where else do we want to look to find our new dream home?"

The three siblings look at each other.

"What?" Cordell asks.

"Sorry. It's weird to think about our next house when we just moved out of our "ancestral family home."" Stella says.

"Well, hey, why don't we turn that around? You know, turn a negative into a positive. Make lemonade out of lemons. Yeah?" Cordell suggests. "I mean, when mawline and gramps refashioned the farmhouse, they weren't thinking, "These teenagers need separate bathrooms," right?"

"That'd be definitely be nice. He's disgusting." Janie points at her brother who looks at her, offended. Cordell chuckles.

"So, this is a wishlist. Just tell me your hearts' desires, and I will write it down." Cordell says. "We're not gonna be in a rental forever."

"Different bathroom from Augie." Janie declares.

"You got it." Cordell writes it down.

"Okay, I am not that bad." August insists.

"Yes, you are." Janie argues.

"You're the one who always has a bunch of hair in the shower drain." August says.

"Well, I can also successfully use the toilet without making a mess, unlike the male species. And you never put the seat down." Janie says.

"Well, maybe you should put the seat up." August counters.

"Are you serious right now?" She asks.

"Yes." August nods.

"Hey, team." Geri walks in before the twins' argument can continue. "How's everyone doing?"

"Great. Well, I mean, besides the Davidsons taking our house." August says. His sisters and father give him looks.

"Right." Geri whispers.

"That-- I didn't mean that towards, like, you." August says.

"Oh, okay, so that's out." Geri realizes. "Cool." She smiles at Cordell who awkwardly smiles back. "So I share a little DNA with the Davidsons. Family is about more than where you come from. It's who sticks by you, right?"

"Yeah, we got you." August says.

"I know you do." Geri says. "Hey, I'm gonna borrow your dad for a minute. Is that okay?"

"Of course." Cordell says, following Geri outside.

"Couldn't we just have a normal family?" Janie asks.

"When has that ever been an option?" Stella scoffs.


"Augie, Jane, hey." Cordell calls as they enter the ranger fair. "Here are your tickets." He hands each of them tickets. "Hey, meet back at the concert hall half an hour before the show starts." He orders the three. "Eat real food, otherwise you'll get sick, all three of you."

"O-Okay, dad. Thank you." Stella tells him.

"Right. So, uh, so funnel cake, cotton candy, ooh! Hey, I could find some fried butter." Janie says.

"You hate fried butter." August retorts.

"Janie." Cordell warns.

"I'm joking." She chuckles. "Come on." She grabs Peter's hand. "Let's go find some funnel cake." She says, loud enough for her father to hear as she drags her boyfriend away.

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