chapter twenty-nine

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"Look, all I'm saying is be careful." Janie remarks. "I mean, are you really sure you wanna go running? I mean, especially the day before a big event. I mean, isn't that a little deja vu?"

"Baby, baby, hey." Cordell cups her face. "I'm gonna be fine, all right? Relax."

"I'm waiting by that hat." Janie states. "And if I don't see you near the others, I am giving you an "I told you so.""

"Of course you are. Don't worry, I will be the first one there." Cordell promises.

Janie starts laughing.

"What?" He asks.

"I mean, I'll take you being there, but first? Not a chance." Janie argues.

"Wha-- yes, I will be first." Cordell insists.

"No. No, maybe you'll beat Uncle Liam. But you aren't beating Trey or Cassie. No way. Even if you were 7 feet tall -- and you're halfway there -- but no."

"All right. Okay, missy, I am going to prove to you I can be first." Cordell says.

"Are we placing money on this? Cause you might be about to make me rich." Janie smiles.

"No. No, I'm just proving. No bets."

"Another reason you won't win -- you're boring."

"Watch it." Cordell gently pushes her forehead.


Janie stands by the hat, watching as Cassie runs up first, closely followed by Trey and Liam, and Cordell is coming up last.

Cassie cheers as she snatches the hat up.

"Ha, too slow, suckers." Cassie gloats as Janie laughs. The blonde looks at her dad.

"Don't start." Cordell warns.

"Told you so." Janie grins. "You're even last."

"Hey, I can ground you." Cordell reminds and Janie laughs.

"The Stetson is mine." Cassie celebrates.

"Okay, what's going on here?" Cordell asks. "Did you run track in high school or something?"

"Are you accusing me of being some sort of ringer, Walker?" Cassie asks, putting the hat on her head.

"I'm accusing you of being fast." Cordell says.

"Cause I was on the mathletes." Cassie informs.

"The mathletes?" Janie asks and Cassie nods.

"Dad, you should really start focusing more on cardio." Stella says, tossing the four adults some water bottles.

"Or you could just cut out the junk food." Liam says.

"All right, thanks." Cordell says.

"Oh, so this is what we get for finally inviting you, huh?" Trey asks Cassie.

"Mm-hmm." She smiles, fist bumping him.

"Hey, dad." August calls, walking outside. "Captain James is inside, says there's, like, a seating chart emergency, so..."

"All right, I'm on it. Uh... I got to shower." Cordell says.

"Yes, you do." Trey agrees.

"You all need to shower." Janie grimaces.

"Oh, but Janie, we wanna give you our love." Cassie hugs the girl.

"Oh. Ugh. Ew. Cassie." Janie whines as the others laugh.

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