chapter twenty-eight

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Everybody is at the ranch for the opening of Stella and Liam's horse rescue. Janie is standing around a table with her siblings, grandparents, Geri, Cassie, and Trey. She hears yelling and exclamations, looking over to see her dad hugging Larry. She frowns in confusion, but given her dad is grinning, assumes it's good news.

Janie looks at Cassie in question, the woman shrugging, not knowing what would cause the excitement.

Abilene goes over after the two men hug another time.

"Um, what's going on?" Abilene asks as the two.

"Well, uh, Abby, Bonham, Kelly and I are getting married. Re-- I got my wife back." Larry informs.

Abilene lets out an excited laugh, clapping.

"Congratulations." Bonham tells him.

"Wait, what about "married?"" Cassie asks.

"Kelly and I are getting married again." Larry informs as he hugs Abilene.

"What? Cap, congratulations." Cassie hugs him. "That's amazing."

"Cap, this is incredible. We got to celebrate, man." Trey says.

"As soon as we find a venue, man." Larry says. "We want to do this as soon as possible. You know, we wasted enough time being stubborn."

"Well, we would love it if you had your wedding here." Abilene says.

"Abby. Look, I wasn't trying to--"

"No, we insist." Bonham says. "I mean, if-- if it's what you want."

"Wow. I mean, Kelly does love this place." Larry says.

"Uh-huh." Bonham nods.

"I think it's pretty safe to say yes." Larry says, getting cheers and applause from the group.

~ ~ ~

Liam and Stella stand in the bed of a truck with a microphone as the crowd applauds.

"Hey, thank you so much." Liam says. "Thank you all for coming out today. This horse rescue, it started out as a simple idea that we realized was a dream, and now it's a reality. It was a long road to get us here, but, boy, am I glad that all of our hard work has paid off."

The crowd cheers and applauds.

"So... I just wanted to say thank you, and without further ado..." Liam holds the mic out to Stella.

"Let's cut this ribbon." She says and the crowd cheers.

Liam gets out of the truck bed, holding Stella's hand to help her down.

"Thank you." Stella tells the person who hands her the giant scissors as the uncle and niece walk over to the ribbon. "This is because of you, so I think you should do it." She tells her uncle.

"What are you talking about?" Liam asks. "We did this together."

"Ugh, we're gonna be here all day." Janie quietly groans. Cordell gently nudges her and she shrugs, not missing the amused look in his eyes. "You know I'm hilarious, just accept it already."

"Be patient." Cordell whispers, tapping her on the nose.

"I don't have the patience to be patient." Janie says.

"Oh, for crying out loud, will you just cut the freaking thing so we can celebrate you?" Abilene tells the two making the crowd laugh. Liam takes the scissors and cuts the ribbon, the crowd cheering.

"Couldn't they have just each held one side of the scissor and cut it together?" Janie asks her dad. "I mean, they're giant for a reason, no?"

"Don't tell them you mentioned that after they cut it." Cordell says and Janie nods.


Since Janie had nothing else to do, Stella and Sadie ended up dragging her to a party. Sadie parks across the street from the house.

"Nice car, by the way." Stella says.

"Thanks." Sadie says.

"You didn't, like..." Stella trails off. Janie looks at Sadie.

"Wow." Sadie says. "Just, wow." She says. "No. I got it on CarMax." The three chuckle.

"No drinking." Stella orders.

"You drag me to a party and don't let me drink?" Janie asks. "Damn, you did get old." She mumbles.

"Like a nun on Sunday." Sadie says. She grins at Stella before getting out of the car.

Stella and Janie get out of the car.

"I thought sisters were supposed to be fun and cool." Janie says.

"You want dad to ground you?" Stella asks.

"I mean, if he doesn't find out..." Janie trails off. Stella gives her a look. "Fine. Fine. I'll stay sober. Buzzkill." Stella pats Janie on the head as she passes her.

The three go into the house.

"Oh, hey, I know him. He's cool." Sadie points to a guy playing an arcade game.  "Hey, Witt." She calls.

"Sadie. What up?" He asks, the two fist bumping.

"Oh, not much. Just vibing." Sadie says. "Um, this is Stella and Janie." She points to each sister. Janie gives him a polite smile. "Stel, Janie, meet Witt."

"Stella, huh?" Witt shakes Stella's hand. "Are you Sadie's probation officer?"

"Not that I'm aware of." Stella says, looking at Sadie.

"Okay, let's just calm down. My mother was a librarian. I am a good kid." Sadie promises.

"Our dad's a Texas Ranger. Parent occupations have nothing to do with child personalities." Janie says. "If they were, I'd still be an alcohol virgin."

"Anyway, I met Witt in Dallas." Sadie informs. 

"She got caught trying to dine and ditch." Witt says.

Janie smiles at Sadie.

"Sometimes good kids misplace their wallets." Sadie chuckles.

"And I picked up her bill." Witt says.

"Lucky that you were there." Stella says. "Uh, is there a place that I can get something to drink?"

"Yes, the kitchen." Witt points.

"Thank you." Stella says, starting to walk off. Janie grabs her sister's hand, letting the older girl lead her through the house.

The two Walker girls make their way into the kitchen, stopping at a cooler. Stella doesn't open it making Janie look at her sister and then follow her gaze to find Bel.

"Huh." Janie mumbles.

"Bel?" Stella asks, getting the girl's attention, the two staring at each other.

"Well, this just got fun." Janie comments. "Get my drink and leave." She mumbles and opens the cooler, Stella's hands falling from it and Janie grabs a bottle before leaving.


I wasn't gonna publish this until the next episode came out cause it's super short and really has no ending, but in honor of the season four renewal, here ya go!!!

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