chapter twenty-five

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They rush to the hospital after Cordell and the twins found Abilene lying outside in the yard unconscious. The nurses wheel her through the halls, the four Walkers right there with them.

"What happened?" One of the nurses ask.

"Uh, we just found her outside. She was on the ground, unresponsive." Cordell informs.

"All right, was anyone with her when it happened?" The doctor asks.

"No, we just found her there. She was laying there." Cordell says.

"I need an IV, I need oxygen, I need vitals, I'm gonna start a neuro check." The doctor says as they wheel Abilene in to a room, Bonham following, but Cordell and the kids stay back.

"Wh-- wait, but--" Janie stammers.

"All right, she's gonna be all right. All right, let's go wait." Cordell tells the twins. "Let's go wait, okay?" He leads them towards the waiting room.

"No." Cordell turns when he hears his daughter whimper, seeing her glossy eyes.

"Hey. Hey, hey." Cordell goes over to her. "C'mon." He leads her around the corner, signaling August to stay back. August quietly sighs, sitting down in one of the chairs. "Okay, honey, it's okay. She's gonna be all right."

"But-- but finding people on the ground is never good. Especially not-- not awake or-or whatever the big word is." Janie says, her breathing picking up even more.

"Unresponsive?" Cordell asks.

"Whatever." She mumbles. "I-- Aunt Geri found mom on the ground and we know how that went, and-- and maybe those are terrible correlations, but-- but they both involve women and-and the ground and... and I found my hamster in the yard when I was seven -- dead."

"Okay, baby girl, hey, hey. I know I'm not your favorite person right now, but I'm also all you got right now. But ignore this whole thing with us because you need to breathe."

"I-- I can't." She says, her hands shaking.

"Yes, you can. In and out. In... and out." Cordell instructs, Janie attempting to follow, it slowly getting easier. "There you go." Cordell smooths some of her hair down. "It's gonna fine. She'll be okay." He assures. Janie shakily nods, rubbing her temples.

"C'mere." Cordell mumbles, pulling her into a hug. He kisses her on top of the head, making sure to hug her tightly.

After a little bit, Janie pulls away from the hug when she feels somewhat better. She walks around the corner and sits in one of the chairs, pulling her legs up, hugging them to her chest. Cordell sits a few seats away giving her whatever space she may want.

Cordell looks around for August, knowing this is where he's supposed to be. He looks over at shoes squeaking on the floor and August walks up. Ignoring his dad's questioning look, he pulls his hand out of his pocket, holding out a pack of M&Ms to his sister. He knows after panic attacks she either wants a nap or something to snack on.

Janie looks at the candy before looking at her brother.

"Thanks." She mumbles, taking it.

~ ~ ~

"Dad." Janie turns at her uncle's voice, him and Stella walking in.

"What happened?" Stella asks. "Is Mawline okay?" Liam hugs Bonham.

"We don't know yet, okay? She's-- she's in there with them still." Cordell informs, hugging his oldest. "Augie, Janie, hey, guys, come here." They both get up and Janie gets squished between her dad and brother as he brings the two into the hug.

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