chapter sixteen

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It's nighttime and Colton left earlier, before anybody else got home. Cordell and his kids are currently gathered around their table, playing a game of Clue. The kids are impatiently waiting for Cordell to do something.

"Look, dad, I-I'm gonna pull out the timer." August says.

"Any day, now." Stella says.

"Yeah, I'd like to go to bed tonight." Janie says.

"Okay, there's no time limit on due process. I mean, you claim it was Mr. Green in the conservatory with the revolver, but the time and place suggest a crime of passion. He doesn't fit the bill." Cordell says.

"Okay, I'm not treating it like I'm in an episode of Criminal Minds, so can we not treat this like you're working" Janie asks.

"Yeah, you're seriously making me regret agreeing to amend the game for a more layered experience." Stella says.

"I told you not to. This is your fault." Janie accuses.

"Wha--" Stella starts before August holds her phone out to her.

"Hey, DJ's calling you." He informs.

"That's random." Stella says, taking her phone and walking off.

"Wh--" Janie looks at her retreating sister as Cordell takes his phone out.

"It's still your turn, dad." August says.

"one sec, bud." Cordell says.

"Oh, come on, it's already been, like 900 million seconds." Janie grumbles and Cordell looks at her. "Sorry." She shares a done look with August.

Cordell taps the phone screen before putting his phone to his ear.

"Trey. Hey, what's up?" Cordell asks and the twins watch as his face grows more serious.


The Walkers get to the emergency room and find Trey pacing in the waiting room.

"Trey. Hey. Is he--is he--"

"Hey. No. No, no, no." Trey cuts the ranger off. "I haven't heard anything yet. I know they just rushed him into surgery, but that's... that's about it."

"His, uh, his son called Stella." Cordell says.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. I-I... I got his family info from Connie and I reached out." Trey says.

"Are you okay?" Bonham asks.

"Yeah... yeah." Trey says, looking down at the blood on his clothes. "Yeah, yeah, no, no, no, I'm-I'm... I'm good. I-I didn't get hit. But this whole thing just happened so fast. I..."

"What the hell happened?" Cordell asks.

"Trooper Jackson here.  I responded to the scene and was set to watch over Trey Barnett before the incident." The woman standing next to them informs.

"Yeah. Uh, HQ updated me." Cordell says. "We have any news?"

"From what little your captain gave us and Mr. Barnett's account, we're not currently able to discern motive and target. Didn't get an ID and no one saw the license plates."

The door near them opens and a nurse walks out.

"Is he okay?" Stella asks.

"The family asked that I update you all. Thankfully, the bullets bypassed any major organs and arteries." She informs. "He'll be out for a few more hours, but I'm positive about his prognosis. As soon as he's in a room, I'll have someone get you. Please have a seat."

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