| chapter 4 |

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yuta's lips trembled as he stared deeply at her. it was really her, but how? she was dead, he killed her.

"i don't have all day mr. nakamoto," she hummed, raising an eyebrow while eyeing him.

he gulped, trying to find the right words.

"it's nice to meet you..." he didn't know whether to address her by the name he had always known her by.

"arai kirikia," she grinned, extending her hand out to shake his.

he hesitated at first but put his hand in hers, shaking it. those soft and gentle hands he once held, back in his reach.

"i have heard good things about you," he got back on track, trying not to get distracted.

"hmm, that's a relief. i have heard a few things about you too nakamoto. however, i can't say it's all been good things," she laughed.

that laugh. the laugh that brought music to his ears and joy to his whole being, once again here for him to hear loud and clear.

"i was hoping to make a deal with you," yuta began, kirika's face turning serious which slightly scared the man.

he had never seen her with a look like that. she always had a bright smile spread on her lips, stars in her eyes and a generous aura surrounding her.

now, her lips rested in a motionless thin line, her eyes were dull and tension inundated the room.

"what deal?" she questioned, walking back to her desk and taking a seat.

"i believe you know about the man, im changkyun," kirika tilted her head at his words before nodding slowly.

"yes, i do."

"well, seeing that you know about me, i'm assuming you know about my rivalry with him," he stepped closer to her desk.

she simply nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"we recently ran into quarrel once again. however, changkyun has been acting a little more radical than what i have seen before."

"what does your bickering have to do with me mr. nakamoto?" kirika sighed boredly, leaning back into her chair.

"well sweetheart, with how he has been acting up, i'm gonna need all the help i can get," yuta smirked.

"nakamoto yuta, strongest mafia leader there is, needs help?" kirika chuckled, "what's the catch?"

"there is no catch sweetheart, all i want is an alliance. something to ensure that my team stays safe and on top. if anything, this is quite beneficial to you as well," he claimed, staring at her intently.

the latter sat there in silence, trying to make up her mind in a matter of seconds.

"i don't need an answer right at this moment, but think about it. i'll be back to meet up with your team where we can hopefully form this alliance," he says before walking himself out, leaving kirika alone.

"it was her, it was really her," he mumbled, pacing back and forth.

ever since yuta got back home, he didn't know what to do. how was she just standing there? in that huge mansion, running her own mafia, going by a totally different name. however, that wasn't what bothered yuta the most. instead, it was the fact that she didn't recognize him. she didn't look at him as nakamoto yuta, her loving boyfriend who would give up anything and everything for her. in her eyes, he was just nakamoto yuta, the man who runs the strongest mafia group. that's what hurted the most.

now with this alliance coming into play, he didn't know how to act. if this affiliation were to become a thing, this meant he would be seeing her very often. that's what scared him. how was he going to control himself when the love of his life that was once dead is now back? what if he slips up and calls her 'morina?' what if he forgets she doesn't remember him and starts acting like he used to with her? but most concerning, what if his father finds out about this?

yuta had no doubt in his mind that his father would not hesitate to get rid of her once and for all. he couldn't let that happen. he let it happen once but he won't let it happen again. not when he just got her back.

his phone starts to ring, snapping him out of his trance.


"yuta, taeyong told me what happened. was it really her?" johnny asks.

"yes, 100%. i don't know why or how, but she's alive," yuta sighed.

"shouldn't you be happy? i mean, your girlfriend is alive and well," johnny questioned the lad's frustration.

"i should be happy, but there's so many things wrong johnny. she doesn't even remember who i am. she just sees me as 'mr. nakamoto.' then there's my dad, he would put a bullet through her over and over again just for her to be banned from this earth. if he finds out she's not dead, it won't be pretty," he ranted.

"hmm, you tried to set up an alliance with them didn't you?"

"yeah, why?" yuta asked.

"well, if it goes smoothly then it might just be your chance to get her back," johnny suggested.

yuta shook his head, "i don't know."

"yuta, you can't let this opportunity pass. you lost her once didn't you? are you going to let it happen again?"

yuta stayed silent, making johnny sigh.

"just think about what i said okay?" johnny says before the line cuts off.

the japanese man plops down on his bed and rubs his face. johnny was right, but he was being a coward right now which made him angry. it all came down to her. she is his weakness, but also his strength. which is why he needed her back in his life. it would be difficult, he knew, but he'd do anything for her.

"this is all so sudden though, don't you think it's suspicious?" yuqi queried.

"yeah, i mean THE nakamoto yuta coming up to us out of the blue. we are a secretive group so it's likely that he has been keeping an eye on us for a while," minnie joined in.

kirika sat there and nodded at her members' concerns. she understood what they meant, i mean it was extremely risky to go into an alliance without any context or real reason. she knew for a fact that yuta did not need all the 'help' he could get. however, something was telling her that she needed to do this.

"i understand, and trust me i think it's suspicious. but i think this might be good for us. if we agree, we'll get loads of protection and power. we won't let our guard down too much on them but just enough that they think we trust them," kirika explained.

"as much as i don't want to, i trust you rika," soyeon smiled, making kirika giggle.

"i appreciate it. i know you're concerned but i got this. but if his ass decides to pull something i know we won't hesitate to return the favour," soft laughters burst through the room.

you got this rika, they're counting on you.

a/n: sorry that updates are kinda slow- i told myself that i'll only update when i have full motivation aha. also this chapter is pretty short so i'm sorry lol. 

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