| chapter 8 |

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wine glasses were clanked and laughter filled the hall. yuta looked around attentively as he and the boys made their way to the second floor.

rika had sent him a text to get in place as they waited for their time to strike. meanwhile, the girls made their way up to the rooftop in pairs or just solo to avoid suspicion. along the way, they exchanged a few nods and smiles with the individuals they passed by.

"are they in place?" soyeon whispers and leans towards rika as they step onto the rooftop.

"mhm, yuta sent me a text. i told him to let us know when they have joohyun in their sight," she responds.

the rooftop was spacious with many more attendees of rich backgrounds. the women were scattered all around the platform in order to not appear dubious. plus, it would be much easier to corner their target when the time comes.

meanwhile, yuta stood beside taeyong as they kept an eye out for joohyun.

doyoung and haechan also stood together on the other side of the floor and johnny on his own near the entrance of the floor. all men exchanging a few glances at each other but not too obvious.

johnny was approached by a woman who seemed to be alone with a glass of champagne in hand. she and johnny had a small and friendly conversation. this helped since it made johnny appear as harmless and just like anyone who was attending the event.

"did rika say anything yet?" taeyong asks, running a hand through his hair.

yuta checks his phone before shoving it back in his back pocket, "nope."

johnny gives the woman a small bow before she exits out the door which he stood close to. just then, a man with jet black hair in a manbun and brown suit walks in.

all five men look at each other before turning their attention back on the man. sung joohyun.

joohyun slips into the elevator, passing by yuta and taeyong.

yuta pulls his phone out and messages rika.

rika feels a buzz from her phone and quickly opens it, seeing a text from yuta.

"he's on his way to the roof. get ready."

"he's on his way up, make sure the others get everyone out safely before we pull out the big guns," the japanese girls whispers to soyeon who gives her a low nod and makes her way to the others.

the latter hears a ding coming from the elevator and joohyun steps out, wearing a mahogany suit.

sending soyeon a look, the blonde gives yuqi a nod.

yuqi pulls a gun from under her dress and steps back before firing two shots up in the sky.

the sudden gunshots sends everyone into chaos.

"everyone out now!" soojin shouts, sending everyone to rush down the stairs or into the elevator.

joohyun looks around before he heads for the stairs as well. however, rika was just behind him to stop him.

"not so fast," she glares.

"who are you?" joohyun raises an eyebrow, slowly taking steps backwards.

"that's none of your concern. what we should be concerned about is what are you planning to steal today? hm?"

"you bitch. just know you're a little too late. i have men already taking all the money i need," the man smirks but rika returns the look.

"well isn't my lucky day that my crew is one step ahead of your stupid ass. i can assure you your men are getting their asses beat," joohyun's face falls and his jaw clenches.

"as for your money? won't be yours, never was, never will be. but don't worry, i'll keep it somewhere safe for you, probably somewhere that it belongs. in my hands," she taunts.

he scoffs, "what? so you're gonna just steal it? well don't come running to me if you get caught."

"caught? i'll have you know that once they find out that i've killed you and stopped you from stealing, that money will fall right into my hands," joohyun gulps and turns around to make a run for it but the rest of the girls blocks his way.

"see what happens when you're on the side of good? do good deeds, you'll receive good. can't say the same for you though," rika says before aiming the gun at the man and shooting him through the head.

"let's go, the guys might needs some help down there," soyeon says and they all rush down.

throwing a punch in the man's face, knocking him unconscious, yuta loads his gun and continued to fight off joohyun's men with the help of his gang.

"jesus how many of them are there," taeyong complains under his breath as more and more of joohyun's men come out.

"don't worry, there's quite a few of us too," a voice comes out from behind and they see rika and the girls pull out their guns.

yuta smirks before charging at another man and shooting him in the head.

suddenly the hall quiets down and only three men are left.

miyeon pulls one of the guys up from the ground by his collar.

"who were you stealing from?" she growls, tightening her grip on him.

"i'm not fucking telling," he groans.

"your boss is dead so you don't have to worry about being killed for telling 'cause we're gonna be the ones who are gonna kill you if you don't tell," rika nonchalantly says.

the man gulps before opening his mouth to speak, "s-someone we recently teamed up with."

"name asshole. we need a name," miyeon snarled.

"im changkyun." miyeon throws him back on the ground.

rika raises her eyebrows in amusement, "changkyun huh? and why is that?"

"he runs one of the richest mafias, he's powerful. joohyun wanted what he had."

"hm, understandable," rika shrugs before loading her gun and shooting him in the chest, "kill the other two. we got some things to do."

a/n: woohoo first update in like 3 months lol. this is just a little update before my exams so sorry this was a little short but i promise chapters will get longer aha. btw this isn't edited so sorry for any errors. anyways ty for reading and stay tuned for the upcoming chapters! stay safe <3

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