| chapter 9 |

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"you know that part where i said "i'll have you know that once they find out that i've killed you and stopped you from stealing?" yeah pretend i never said that 'cause there is no way i'm telling changkyun about this," rika laughed along with the other girls.

"so basically i'm guessing that changkyun asked joohyun to hold that event. long story short, lots of money was involved in this event and joohyun took it as the perfect opportunity to backstab and steal his money," taeyong says and everyone nods.

"yep, but now he's dead. sad for him, good for us. now we got money, changkyun's money," yuqi smirks.

"he's gonna find out about joohyun and us of course. probably gonna try and attack us now," yuta says boredly.

"so he tried to steal my money but yuta beat him to it? just great. just fucking great," changkyun grits his teeth.

"he wasn't alone though, he was with kirika," jooheony informs.

"rika hm? working with nakamoto. how interesting," he smirks, "wonder how he's handling that."

"if i'm being completely honest, it seems as if they work very well together. you think she remembers?"

"doubt it. it's probably driving him crazy. welp, not to worry, she'll eventually remember and blow his brains out. if she doesn't remember though, she'll turn on him one way or another anyway."

"how much longer are we gonna be in alliance with nakamoto?" shuhua asks, sipping on her wine.

"for as long as we need. we still need him to kill off changkyun. after that, we can go on from there," rika answers.

soyeon scoffs, "you sure you're not just keeping around 'cause you're attracted to him?"

rika furrows her eyebrows, "huh? the fuck are you on about? of course not, as i said we need him to get rid of changkyun. that's it."

"alright, whatever you say," soyeon sighs.

"what made you say that?" soojin questions.

the blonde shrugs, "well i mean yuta asked her out on a date for starters. probably wooed poor rika over here."

"quit it. there was no wooing dumbass," rika rolls her eyes.

soyeon throws her hands up in defense, "whatever you say."

"what'd you call me here for?" yuta questions.

"i need to ask you a few questions," soyeon eyes the japanese man.

"does rika know about this?"

"no and she doesn't need to know. anyway let's just get this over with," yuta gives a low nod.

"what are your intentions with us? with rika?"

the lad raises a brow, "need more power, need more allies to fight off bad guys .you know, mafia stuff. plus, now with changkyun getting all riled up imma need all the help i can get," he responds, "and what do you mean my intentions with rika?"

"you took her out for lunch. typically not something you'd do with someone you've just met in the mafia," soyeon deadpans.

"well there's no harm in trying to get to know my ally," yuta shrugs.

"you have more than one ally, could've invited all of us to lunch if you really wanted to get to know your ally," the blonde rolls her eyes.

"what you jealous that i didn't take you out for lunch?" yuta chuckles.

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