| chapter 11 |

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rika's eyes wandered around the secluded area and turned to yuta in confusion.

"what are we doing here?"

yuta doesn't respond and instead opens the trunk of his car to grab a blanket. "follow me," he simply says and starts walking into the woods. rika hesitantly trails behind him.

since it was sometime after one in the morning, it was pitch black out here. the only source of light they had was the dim moonlight that seeped through the tall trees and it only got harder to see the farther they walked. thankfully, yuta took out his phone and turned on the flashlight.

they soon stopped walking and yuta started dusting off a log that was laid on the ground. rika took notice of the little pile of wood that was placed in the centre of the logs, some sort of homemade fire pit you could say. it definitely looked like someone comes here often. rika takes a deep breath as she observes the setup.

yuta sets the blanket down and takes out a match from his pocket and lights it, throwing it on the pile of wood. he then takes a seat on the dusted off log and pats the spot next to him, gesturing rika to sit with him.

the latter does so and takes a seat, resting her elbows on her thighs and her head in her hands. 

"what'd you bring me here for?" she questioned, her tone was dull.

"i always come out here when i have a lot on my mind. i thought you might like it here," yuta shrugs.

"there could be bears out here, or serial killers. probably both," rika says, staring at the fire.

the japanese man chuckles, "serial killers, i could easily kill. bears, good shot in the head will do it. haven't run into either though so i think we're safe."

"so what's on your mind?" rika sits up and faces yuta.


"you said you come here whenever you have a lot on your mind, so mind telling me what it is?"

yuta slowly nods and sighs, "well i was thinking about that conversation we had, specifically about what you said."

"what i said?" she raises a brow.

"your suggestion, about uh- running away," yuta stammered.

rika leans back and gives a slow nod in understanding, "ah, i see." it was silent for a moment before rika speaks up again, "you wanna do it?"

yuta responds with a quick yes making rika laugh, "we could arrange something like that," she gives him a smile.

"what about now?" yuta blurts out and rika snaps her head to him. rika gave him a look of confusion. "let's run away right now."

"are you crazy?" she exclaimed, standing up. "we still have a lot of training to do! we're going against changkyun in four days. we don't have time for vacations."

"rika," he stands up with her, "please, just for one day. one day won't hurt okay?"

rika stares into his eyes before looking down and sighing, "fine. one. only one day. but if anything goes wrong i'll kill you myself," she threatens him.

yuta smiles and chuckles, "you got it."

"god they're gonna fucking kill me," rika mumbles as she stuffs a bunch of clothes into her bag.

𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚 𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭 | 𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚Where stories live. Discover now