| chapter 12 |

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after eating yuta and rika started to walk farther through the town, looking through the windows of the shops they passed by and laughing about whatever they were talking about.

"ooh, let's go here," rika grabbed yuta's hand and dragged him onto a path that lead to a small park.

"wow, it's so peaceful here," rika breathed out. the small breeze caused the many leaves on the trees to sway the water in the pond was still and reflected to moonlight.

they took a seat on a nearby bench and stared at the scenery. their shoulders pressed against each other and knees touching.

"if only my mind was like this," rika breathed out. she closed her eyes and a small smile spread across her face as she felt the light, refreshing breeze brush against her face.

yuta only hummed in response. mirroring her actions, he lets his eyelids fall and his body to relax. they sat there in a comfortable silence as they took in all the peace and quietness they longed for.

"thanks," the latter broke the silence, causing them to both open their eyes again.

"for what?" yuta questioned.

"for taking me here. i was going crazy back home and i never caught a break. i didn't let myself take a break. so thanks, cuz if it wasn't for you i probably would be draining all my energy by attacking a punching bag on an empty stomach and 4 four hours of sleep," she joked, yuta giggling at her remark.

"no problem. i couldn't just let our leader overwork herself. wouldn't want you getting killed during our upcoming face off now would we?"

rika looked down while shaking her head. then she lifts her head up to bring herself to look into the man's eyes who were already gazing at her. there was not much space between the two, their faces were in such close proximity that if one of them were to move just slightly forward their lips would touch.

and that was just what yuta did.

it felt like they were staring at each other for what felt like an eternity until yuta places a hand on her thigh and leans forward, and before pressing his lips onto hers he whispers, "rina."

rika felt her body tense and her eyes widen at the lad's sudden action. after a minute, she was finally able to move from her frozen state and pull herself away from him. she hastily stood up and looked at him with an expression of terror on her face.

yuta got up just as quickly and scrambled to find what words to say.

"i- uh- s-sorry, i didn't mean to do that so suddenly," he stammered, stressfully running a hand through his hair.

"we should get back to the hotel," was all rika said before walking back along the path with her head down. yuta let out a sigh of frustration, mentally cursing himself out before following behind the girl.

the walk back was silent, but this time it was an awkward and uncomfortable silence. however, the atmosphere back at the hotel was worse. you could cut the tension with a knife with how low the mood felt.

rika gathered her sleeping clothes and rushed into the bathroom to shower. she made sure to not make any contact with yuta as much as possible. as rika was in the bathroom, yuta sat on the edge of his bed and buried his face in his hands. he groaned and mumbled a "fuck" in there.

how could he let this happen? he knew she doesn't remember anything, how stupid of him to even try anything on her.

"you fucked up nakamoto, you really did," he cursed himself out.

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