| chapter 13 |

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yuta felt a little crammed up in the empty hotel room so he made his way down to the pool. might as well make the most of this short break. however, he couldn't help but think about rika. he was hoping she was going to come back soon so they could talk things out.

the lad relaxed in the hot tub, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. he let the warmth of the bubbling water engulf him. he was frustrated that he was invaded with these stressful thoughts when he was supposed to come here to let of all those things. instead, he made things worse.

he then started to think about how the boys were doing back at home. his phone probably had hundreds of missed calls and messages, he hadn't even bothered to check his phone since they left. he shrugged, knowing that they would be alright without him for a day.

however, he remembered soyeon's words.

"if you ever try anything behind our back, just know i'll kill you with no hesitation."

"god, if she ever found out about this. it's one thing if i tried to kill rika, but kissing her? that was way worse news. she'd drive a bullet through my brain either way. i wasn't afraid of her though, i could easily kill her too but of course i wasn't going to. rika would hate me immensely, and also kill me. it's all just about killing really at this point." he thought.

the japanese man got irritated from his non stopping thoughts that he brought himself out of the hot tub and tried himself off. it was no use staying here trying to relax anymore. he made his way back up to his room and took a quick shower.

after showering and throwing on some fresh clothes, he slides the glass door open and steps on to the balcony. he thought that maybe some fresh air and a nice city view wouldn't hurt.

"put your hands up boy."

rika slipped the gun into her jean pocket and let her oversized t-shirt hang all the way down to cover it up. she made her way back to the hotel in a quick pace.

slipping the room key card in and out of the door, she pushes the door open and glances around the room, trying to spot the japanese man. she notices the balcony door was open and saw his figure standing out there.

she cautiously approached him from behind, her hand going under her shirt and to her pocket, gripping the gun. she got closer and closer, but soon an unknown man came into her view. he was on the ground laying unconscious on his stomach. yuta suddenly turns around and points a gun at her, startling her a bit.

"rika," he quickly brings the gun down. "thank god you're here."

"what happened?" she asked, removing her hand from her gun and letting her arm hang at her side.

"i went down to the pool for a bit then came back up to get changed at all. when i went on the balcony this man was already here and put a gun to my head," he explained. "he was the man i saw that night we went to eat ramen."

rika stepped onto the balcony and approached the man. her brows furrowed at the familiar black mask and clothing, "this is the man that i saw earlier."

"what? where did you see him?"

"i was sitting on a bench on the sidewalk, i saw him staring right at me from across the street. i found it suspicious so i tried to catch up to him but he disappeared," she revealed. "we should tie him up, when he wakes up we can ask him what the fuck he did this for."

yuta nodded and dragged him into the room. he tied him to a chair with some bike rope he for some reason had but rika didn't bother questioning him.

"why'd you leave without telling me anyway?" yuta suddenly asked.

rika shrugged, "take a guess genius."

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