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Sunghoon must hate me

The only thing Jake could think about was Sunghoon. It brought him down as his shoulders wilted and his eyes refused to look at anything other than the ground.

For the past week, ever since Sunghoon had found out about the whole Jake/Jaeyoon thing, he had been avoiding Jake. Jake thought maybe he could catch him on his way to school in Jay's car on the following Monday, but Jay told Jake that Sunghoon had gone early that day. 

Even at school, Jake had started his arts program schedule which meant that he was rarely taking academic lessons with the rest of his classmates. The only time he could see anyone was during lunch, but when he had gotten to the cafeteria, Jay was eating lunch with his band and Sunghoon was nowhere to be seen. 

Jake sighed as he ignored the rumbling sensation that was coming from his stomach and was about to turn away when he heard someone calling him.

"Hey, Jake! Wanna have lunch together?"

Jake looked up and saw Heeseung walking towards him with a cool grin on his face. 

Although Jake's mind didn't have any thoughts whatsoever of eating, his stomach was now rebelling against him as it seemed to say: FOOD! FOOD! FOOD!

The smell of cooked pork wafted into his nose, only making him notice the rumbling in his stomach increase, and he decided that there was no reason to decline Heeseung's offer. 

As Heeseung got closer, Jake made an effort to wash the concern from his face as he put on a smile.

"Sure," he replied to Heeseung in the most casual way he could manage. "Why not?"

Heeseung's grin got wider as the two boys made their way down the serving line. When they had both gotten their food, they saw someone ridiculously waving their arms at them, using their entire body to point frantically to two seats next to them that were vacant.

Seeing Jay not caring the least bit that everyone was staring at him made Jake crack a smile. A genuine smile as he watched his over-the-top friend gesturing at him to come sit with him.

Heeseung laughed, "I guess that's where we're sitting."

Jake followed the older boy as they sat down next to Jay who was, naturally, sitting in front of Jungwon. 

As soon as they sat down Jake couldn't stop himself from asking, "Where's Sunghoon? Is he alright?"

Jay bit his lip before answering, "He's um... He wasn't hungry so-"

Jake's face fell as he couldn't help but think that that was all his fault. 

"He's okay though! Tough guy, Sunghoon." Jay added when he saw the look on his friend's face. Although Sunghoon hadn't told him exactly what had happened, Jay could tell there was some unresolved tension between the two former everyone-knew-they-would-be-a-couple-except-for-themselves.

Still, Jake didn't seem to be cheered up in the least as he poked his food around without taking a bite.

"Jay, can you tell Sunghoon that I'll just walk to school from now on? It's okay and I want him to ride your car."

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