The Musings of Jay Park

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This is just a fun chapter, not really any important plot points. 

You can skip it if you want!


Hi there, my name is Jay Park, and my life is kinda crazy.

It all started when my friend, Sunghoon, forced me to help organize our high school's orientation my second year. 

You should know that I never do this kind of stuff - who has the time? But I owed Sunghoon a favor (it's a long story involving a crazy ex, a misunderstanding, and a lot of banana milk) and he needed some help with the orientation. But I guess this isn't the worst thing that he could've asked me to do. I mean, he did pretend to be my boyfriend, but that's beside the point (as if I would ever be interested in him - spoiler alert! he cray-cray).

Anyways, I was setting up a podium on the stage (have you ever tried lifting a wooden podium? Oh man, it is NOT LIGHT) when I saw someone looking around as if they were lost. 

Normally, I wouldn't give something like that a second thought, but this someone was... 

Oh, heavenly father, where to begin.

Their skin was white, almost as white as Sunghoon's, but the white didn't radiate the cold that Sunghoon's seemed to. Their skin was white like a sheep's wool is white - it was pure and innocent and seemed to be made of everything good and bright in the world.

Their hair was black with subtle waves in it. And the way it just effortlessly bounced and wiggled as they turned their head was so freakin adorable. I wanted to ask them to jump up and down just to see the way their hair would swish about. 

And their eyes... UGH! I've said that people's eyes were beautiful before, mostly flirting with cute admirers, but I realized that I must have been lying when I had said that before. Nobody could ever compare with those dazzling, sparkling, practically-brighter-than-the-sun eyes. Everything about them was just perfect.

You know, I could write a book, no, a lot of books just talking about what I saw that day, but all the words in the world wouldn't be enough to accurately depict what I saw. 

Let's just say that at that moment, my goal for the foreseeable future became pretty clear - to get closer to whoever that was and make them happy in whatever way possible.

Mystery-person kept looking around with eyes like a lost puppy and none of the students or teachers were helping them. The lost individual frowned and began to walk towards someone - Mr. K who was helping Sunghoon supervise the rest of the students. 

I saw my opening and scrambled down from the stage and raced toward them before the lost kid reached Mr. K and Sunghoon.

"Hey there!" I practically yelled as I skidded to a stop in front of a startled face. "Can I help you?"

Maybe it was my sudden appearance or my really loud voice, but the kid had wide eyes (which just made them more beautiful) and was gaping at me with their mouth open. 

"Um.." I didn't really plan anything when I came over so I was at a loss for words just like the startled face in front of me. 

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