Chapter 1

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"Logan Hearthworth,"

Huh? Blinking Logan shot up, looking around for whoever was calling him. That was before he found out.

Staring down at Logan was an enraged teacher who was honestly ready to throw her mug straight at Logan's head at this point. This teacher is Ms Gartener. In general she is a lovely teacher and Logan was, dare I say, her favourite student in class.

He was always: hardworking, focused, punctual and contributed a lot. More accurately, he used to be all of those things. Nowerdays, he is the complete oposite of all of those things. Apart from punctual, he refused to be late.

Being in class wasn't the problem. It was the person Logan always ended up gazing at from the other side of the room. Just always admiring every little detail on that person's face like a masterpiece in a museum.

"LOGAN!" She basically screamed. Calming down, she sighed, signing a cross over her heart she looked up at the ceiling mumbling: "Lord give me patience".

"Isn't it lord give me strength?" The kid in front of Logan asked with a snooty accent as if he knew everything and as if he was never wrong. Unironically, he was actually never wrong so everyone tolerated him. Just barely though.

Widening her eyes she gave a smile as if she was saying: 'seriously?' With her eyes. "Well, Jordan," She began, walking closer to Jordon as she held her hands together, towering over the boy, she continued her sentence, "If I had anymore strength, our good friend Logan would be going to the nurse's office by now,"

"Wouldn't you lose your job-"

Slaming her hands on the table he manically chuckling at the boy as he fintched. Staring Jordon straight in the eye, she said through gritted teeth, "Don't test me right now Mr Wright,"

Nodding as he gluped down his breath, the teacher backed off before going back to her desk and sitting down. "Do the reading for the rest of the lesson, and if you haven't done it by then, do it at home," She commanded.


As I said before, Logan's concentration was basically nonexistant. And it was all because of one boy.

Roman Critten.

Generally, Roman wasn't the most talkative person, it all depended on the subject and the people. Sometimes you would catch him doodling disney characters in class because the teacher wasn't talking about something that captured his small attention. One thing that always managed to catch his attention was the mystical magic which was Disney, seriously, it was like transforming an awkward introvert into a blossoming extroverted prince.

Everytime this happened, Logan could take his eyes off of him.

The slightly yellow smile that he flashed with undeniable confidence, a strutt which always seemed to have a pep in his step. His auburn brown hair that was getting a bit long, even after months of saying he'll get it cut, he never does! Those piercing green eyes that always stand out in the crowd. The adorable little freckles that were painted all on his face as if he was a canvas, small little ache scars added a bit of colour to his monotoned face. Even his eyelashes that were slightly white, so if you ever found a white eyelash on your desk, everyone knew who to blame.

Everything about Roman seemed to captivate Logan in an unending dream. Or maybe it was a nightmare.

Occasionally, Roman would catch Logan staring at him and the sight of the boy smiling at him, Logan's heart swooned with a storm that would never cease. With simple movements like moving his hair out of his face made his heart flutter with butterflies armed with wings of knives.

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