Chapter 8

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Suspiciously flicking his head around, Logan searched for the chaotic spanish teen he calls one of his best friends. After the bird incident, Logan had never really completely trusted Remy's plans, the boy was a little too sneaky. Don't let the sleeping distract you from the danger which is Remy's plans.

And no, I will not explain what the bird incident is. All I'll say is that there are 12 suspiciously beak shaped scars/dents on Logan's back, 15 on Emile's and 32 on Remy's. Take that information and use it however you want.

Slowly getting out of the car, Logan waved goodbye to Vix and Fay before putting up his hood to avoid abush from anyone. Pacing towards the door was a fatal mistake.

Hopping onto Logan's back like some kind of koala, the boy screamed loudly. Attracting all sort of attention before Remy told him: "Chill babes, it's just me,"

"That's exactly what I'm worried about," Logan groaned as he walked the hallway with Remy clinging to his back, slightly choking him when he moved. Soon, Emile caught up with the two. Claiming: 'When I heard the screams, I just knew it was you two,'

Of course Emile recognized the screams (Not in a weird way, in a bird incident way) how could he not? He's heard it enough times to basically mimic them perfectly. Then again, he mimics as a hobby, and to annoy siblings of course.

Then, of course, Logan ended up carrying them both to the canteen, Remy clinging onto his shoulders and Emile being bridal carried whilst somehow keeping Remy up. Sometimes Logan regrets his life decisions, but since the PE teacher stands near the canteen everyday, he has a valid excuse for not doing PE. Lucky boy.


Unfortunately by the time the school day ended, his time of being the assigned horse, wasn't finished until they got to the movie theatre. The theatre was your usual one, except the local community all chipped in to paint it, and now it is the most colourful eyesore that they all love. Along with that, people are free to draw anything they want on the outer walls with chalk, in fact, it's encouraged since there's a chalk box nailed to the wall and I completely blank part for people to draw. A lot of children draw on that wall, Remy, Emile and Logan are no exceptions.

The three had got their tickets (courtesy of Remy) they were going to get popcorn during the ads and draw until them.

Unfortunately, Emile hates the sound and feel of chalk so he always makes sure to bring thick gloves. The sound can't be helped, he forgot his headphones to blare music into his ears. Either way, he still did.

Remy drew a farm that grew pink penises, very child friendly (!) Emile drew flowers and a few Spongbob characters, he ended up photographing them for his art project for that term. Logan just ended up drawing several constellations and naming them underneath, along with all of the zodiacs. With Emile and Remy's names labeled under their zodiacs, Emile's being Sagittarius and Remy being an Aquarius and obviously, Logan being a Scorpio.

After they decided to get their assorted theatre snacks, the three went into the theatre to take their seats in row D, seat 32, 33, 34 because they are the superior seats, no I'm not going to change my mind.

Following behind their short friend, Logan bumped into Emile when they stopped, bashing their heads together. Rubbing his head, Logan moved past Emile, apologising profusely as he tried to get through the tigh spot.

Standing right before the groups seats, Remy completely stopped, luckily, he was short enough for Logan to look over his head at the scene.

Already sitting in their seats was a blonde women wearing a literal coat of makeup on her face, it looked heavy, it didn't look too bad though. Next to her were two young kids, 6 and 4 at most, both too short to see over the seats in front of themselves without help.

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