Chapter 11

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Breathing loudly, Logan let his mind think for a moment as he went to go and pick up the papers on the floor. Each one was a page out of a notebook, all ripped out. Some even had a rip halfway through them or even just a missing corner.

There was around 72 papers on the ground, he'd decided to count them in case there were any missing, and because he was bored.

After picking everything back up and putting it on the table. He decided to leave the room and just wait for everyone to come back home. At least then he'll get answers of where they were.

Sitting down, he took out his phone and looked back to the group chat, they still hadn't responded. Out of the corner of his eye, Logan noticed something.

Clicking on the unsent message, he attempted to resend it to his parents. It turned out they never got the message. If there's no message, there's no response. Turning it off, Logan leaned back on the sofa to one of the several pillows on the sofa. Sighing, a weight was lifted off of his shoulders, though, still there was a small bit of his mind that was worried about the three of them.

When it went through, Logan shoved the phone back into his pocket and went to change his clothes. He wasn't going to deal with their endless teasing when they come back home.

Decidedly, Logan took a shower before changing into his pyjamas, then put Emile's clothes in the washing machine as to save time. As you should when you borrow clothes from someone else.

"Honey, we're home!" Vix called into the house as the front door opened, closing after they all came inside of the house.

Peaking his head through his bedroom door, Logan watched as his parents came into the house. Each of them were holding at least one shopping bag in their arms, either with food or random crap they find. None of them have impulse control. "Where were you guys?" Logan eyed up the bags, "And what was up with the studio, it was a mess,"

"Sorry bout that, it was my fault Lo," Fay went and kissed Logan on the forehead, "Got a little frustrated on a design I had, plus we didn't know where you were," She admitted as Eli got out his phone and excused himself, continuing with what she was saying she began ruffling his hair, "We even reported you as missing, next time tell us," she jabbed him is the side.

Chuckling awkwardly as he rubbed where she poked, "Emile texted but the text didn't get through," Right on time, Fay's phone pinged. Rolling her eyes, Fay checked the nodification, seeing that it was Logan/ Emile, she swiped it away.

"That's alright hon," She patted his head, we're making dinner soon, wanna help?" She asked, slipping her phone into her pocket before taking off her shoes and putting them on the shoe rack.

Giving Fay an affirming nod, the two went into the kitchen to make dinner for the 4 of them. "What are we having today?" Logan asked as he put his assigned apron on. A few years back, Fay revolted after being the only one cooking, out of spite, she got everyone their very own apron so that they'd cook once in a while, of course excluding Logan whom occasionally help. Though she still got him one incase he wanted to help. It was a royal blue apron with constellations on it, along with them named.

Putting her own on, Fay began rummaging through the fridge. On the side was some chicken defrosting, it was probably there since this morning, "I decided I wanted to make a roast dinner, even if it's not Sunday," she declared, getting the Yorkshire puddings out. Fay had an interest in food, food from anywhere and everywhere. Even if she found some random food at a stall, she would be immersed by it and want to be able to make it. Things like this usually get added to the Hearthworth Recipe Book.

The book is homemade, handwritten, and honestly more like a scrap book with various photos of the food printed out and stuck down. Occasionally you could find a picture of Fay and Logan messing around when cooking, then inevitably making a mess. Some of the spills ended up on the page, but according to Fay, it gave it 'personality'. Sometimes she did get frustrated, so there are a few ripped out failures.

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