Chapter 15

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It was a slightly chilly day of June. A day before graduation. It was the day.

People rode various vehicles under the cold sun, bicycles, motorbikes, cars. Some ran, some just walked. Either way, it was another stressful day like all the  others for other people. For Logan however, it was twice as stressful.

Feeling the crisp air briefly brush inside his lungs, holding his breath and clutching his guitar made sense right then. Awkwardly walking, the warm scent of the heater from the school came into range as the gate was in full view.

"Lo!" Emile jumped up from the wall where he was leaning as he saw Logan from afar whilst Remy stood up properly and gave a casual wave in his direction. He was wearing a dull, baby blue, knitted, turtle-neck  sweater that reached past his fingers, along with his shitty trousers that he always wore. Same old Emile.

Beside him was Remy, a wide smirk was printed across his tanned face, his sunglasses rested on the bridge of his nose. Pushing them up as Logan approached, he spoke, "So we going in? It's freezing out here,"

A shiver ran down Logan's spine as the small sniffle ran through his nostril, "You two can go ahead, I have something I need to do first," Logan said right before doing a loud sneeze.

Rubbing his nose, Remy shrugged as Emile complained slightly, "Awh we spent so long waiting for you out here as well," He groaned, "Oh well, go do your thing," Emile winked knowingly as he dragged Remy inside with Logan following behind them.

When they split up, Logan patted the pocket with the note, slipping his fingers into the pocket to cheak they were still there. Sighing, Logan went to find that locker, luckily he cheaked where it was on Friday. He didn't want to make any mistakes, everything had to go all according to plan. Or at least mostly to plan.

Locker 143, Roman Critten's locker. Well it didn't actually say it was his but it was his. They were asigned their lockers in their first years, Logan's was number 381, on the other side of the school. You can guess how bothersome it was to find Roman's in the first place.

Opening the note to cheak which one it was, Logan placed the song paper in his pocket before slipping the note for Roman through the vents in his locker door. At least that part was done.

Taking a sharp breath in, Logan made his way to the lunch hall where the three usually sat before school started. Hopefully they had gotten the table, people had a habit of taking chairs from other tables. Sometimes one of them didn't have a chair.

Scouting the area, Logan's eyes landed on his small friend group as Emile made awkward eye contact which made Logan look away as he joined the other two on the table.

"Okay, okay, okay, you're finally here, great," Emile quickly said, stumbling over his words as Logan stole a chair since the table lacked one for him. Brushing it down with some cloth, Logan finally sat down.

Putting his bag down on the floor under the table, Logan sighed before talking, "I'm assuming you have some news Emile?" Logan asked, side-eying Remy briefly before gazing back in Emile's direction.

"First," Remy stated, gaining the attention of the other two, "Where did you go Lo?" He asked, leaning on his hands like a villian boss would do at their desk. They were painted black today. Along with that, he was wearing his black hoodie with a shirt underneath saying: 'Don't talk to me until I've eaten this shirt' as well as that, he was wearing some tight ripped jeans that made the skin stick out slightly.

Fiddling with his sleeve slightly, Logan waved it off, just saying, "It doesn't matter, just remembered something that I needed from my locker," He explained, "What about you guys?" He asked looking between the pair, not knowing which one was going to lead to conversation now.

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