Chapter 6

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The guitar lessons were set every Wednesday each week during period 3, well unless something comes up of course. Today, it was Wednesday.

After lugging around his guitar, Logan decided to search from the room during break so he knows where to go. Mainly because he doesn't want to be late or look awkward walking in late to the lesson. Plus he's paying for it, he doesn't want to waste his money.

"Excuse me," Logan knocked on the music room's door, catching the attention of the music teacher as she came over to the door. "Where are the guitar lessons being held?" He asked, finding himself cringy from just speaking.

"Oh!" She said, pointing her fingers a few times before clicking,  and pointing at him, "You're Ethans new student, come, come," She waved for Logan to follow her.  Opening a door, she showed Logan the room: "In here, Ethan will be here in a jiffy,"

"Thanks," Logan said, just as the door closed.

The room wasn't too small but it wasn't big at least. The walls were painted the same dull blue as the rest of the school and the floor was the same carpet as well. There were desks all around the walls, some with keyboards on them, some had guitars, some had other instruments as well. Againest the wall to the door's right, there was a stack of the school's famous uncomfortable stairs.

Unstacking a chair, Logan sat down on it and gently placed his guitar on the floor. He felt like he wasn't supposed to be here. Just an itching feeling at the back of his head. Or maybe it's anxiety from doing something new.


The school bell went as the music room door creaked open. Turning around, Logan got a better look at the person who came into the room. Or rather, people.

Grabbing some more seats, the two people sat down as the kid beside opened their guitar case and got the guitar out. The person across from him was probably the guitar teacher, Ethan, whom the music teacher mentioned earlier.

Ethan was a chubby, black male, his hair was similar to Vix's but was shorter, by a lot. He looked cheerful and generally an approachable guy. At leat the lessons would be easier knowing that. He sort of reminded him of Patton from work.

The person next to him was someone he didn't recognize. Probably someone in his year, well he at least looked like it.

Lanky at most, he was insanely tall, taller than Vix at that point. And that is tall. He had dirty blond hair and freckles that only seemed to appear on the left side of his face, paired with ache. The right side was completely clear like a porcelain doll. Eyes were narrow and suspious, although they were different colours. The one on the right was brown like the bark of a tree. However on the left, it was blue like the noon sky.

Crossing his legs, Ethan, the guitar teacher, began speaking, "Welcome Logan and Janus," He said cheerfully, "I understand that you are both new to playing guitar so let me just ask a few questions before we get started," He said being as straight forward as possible.

Putting his guitar to his side, the boy, whose name is apparently Janus, nodded in response before all eyes were on Logan. Awkwardly, Logan paused for a second before realising what they meant and just nodded as well, slightly embarrassed at that.

"Alright, now that's settled, the first question," Ethan began, "How much do you want to learn?" He asked, uncrossing his legs as if uncomfortable and then going back to the way he was sitting before. After a few seconds of confused stares, Ethan elaborated, "Like, do you want to just be able to play a few chords or do you want to learn full blown songs,"

"Um..." Logan mumbled, getting the other two's attention, "At the very least I'd like to be able to play songs,"

"Yeah same," Janus agreed, not saying much at all. No one really knows what he's thinking, he just usually sits there with a blank, uninterested expression as he looks into your soul. Well, probably not as far as looking into your soul. At least I think so.

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