Chapter 4

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After school, Logan decided to start on one of the most important part of a song. The lyrics.

Tapping his pen againest his desk again, Logan couldn't think of anything. It wasn't due to burnout. He just felt so much for Roman, putting it in one song would be virtually impossible. Emotions like: Love, embarrassment, sadness, yearning, hope, hopelessness. What would Roman want to hear? What kind of song?

A musical isn't something he'd like to sing. A story perhaps? A story of how he fell for him. How Roman is his first serious love? Would that be too much? Would anything less be too little? Was he not enough?

If he remembered the day correctly, they were only just naivee freshmen. It was in the middle of the year. Summer precisely.

The day was just as warm and bright as Roman's smile looked. The air was crisp and the trees looked ready to change colours already.

He didn't know he fell for Roman until that day. He just thought that Roman was just a cool dude. He thought he just wanted to be friends with Roman. Then again, he had never loved someone as much as he loves Roman.


He remembers the first time they met each others eyes in the hall. Logan believed he was looking at a god, they were younger back then and less mature but to Logan, Roman was the most gorgeous person he had ever laid eyes upon.

The more he learnt about Roman, the harder he fell for the boy. Mentally, Logan had basically fallen off the tallest tower in the world for this boy. Or even dived down the deepest oceans, down the deeped trenches for him.

The burden lay heavy on his heart. Every little smile stabbed his heart with butterflies with wings of needles and burnt his face with the fire of hell. Of all places cupid had to shoot him, it had to be here? But as they say, you find love in the most unexpected places.

"Logan?" Eli knocked on the door before coming into the room.

Sprawled across his bed, Logan mindlessly stared at the ceiling. Nonchalantly, blinking as he breathed, his mind was completely empty. If an artist found him like this, they'd say mood then flop onto the floor. Creativity block is hard to overcome.

Taking a seat by his son, Eli shuffled back to lean againest the wall, slightly crushing Logan's legs as he climbed over his son. "So what's up with you?" He asked, putting his legs over Logan's legs as he got comfortable.

Raising an eyebrow at his dad, he shrugged at him, "Can't....think," Logan mumbled placing his arm over his forehead.

"Think of what hon?" He asked as Logan sat up, still stretching his legs out so Eli didn't have to move. Most of the time, Logan didn't really talk about things that bothered him, usually he just needed support. Today was unusual in that aspect.

Eyeing up Eli for any other intentions, like insistant teasing or him trying to assume the never ending position of matchmaker for him. Even the thought of that was disturbing. Hesitating for a moment, Logan told his dad, "I'm going to write a song,"

"A song?" He asked as Logan nodded in response, "What kind of song?" Eli, started to lean on his hand as he looked at Logan attentively. Shuffling around, Eli went to sit cross legged instead of the way he way sitting earlier.

Blushing, Logan awkwardly hid his face in his hands. Smiling, Eli went and poked his son, "Come on~" He said, poking Logan in the side, "I promise you, it's less embarrassing than what I did in school~" He teased. Pausing for a moment, she said: "It's mom now by the way,"

Nodding, Logan peaked out from behind his hands, "What did you do in school?" He asked. Elina knew that he'd ask this.

Moving next to Logan she got comfortable on Logan's bed, Elina got ready to tell the worst story of her adolescence. "When I was a young lad," She began, "You know the disgusting muffin in you canteen?" She asked.

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