Chapter 14

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Back to third person where the persective just follows Logan around constantly...I'm not creepy at all-

Time skip: 2 days to graduation

Buzz buzz.

Well, Logan was planning on sleeping in for Sunday but it turns out Remy had other plans for the day. Like waking him up at 8.30 in the morning to go to Mac Donalds for some breakfast and then wander around until they find something they want.

Ding! Dong!

Second unexpected thing of the day: Remy showing up at his house to drag Logan out againest his will because whether he likes it or not, they are going to Mac Donalds and getting breakfast. Remy wanted Mac Donald's and he wasn't going along, they are using the buddy system, even againest the buddy's will.

He was wearing a thick black hoodie and some jeans that were gifted from Logan's parents a birthday ago. Along with his usual sunglasses and doc martins.

"Why can't you take Em?" Logan asked as Remy is held back by a door. If he broke it, Fay wouldn't hesitate to kick his ass, it's one of the reasons why Remy is slightly terrified of Fay. We all know that you don't ruin another person's door, especially when they have access to a shit ton of needles.

The groan was the first sign that Logan shouldn't have ignored or brushed off as Remy being stubborn, "He's sick so I'm here for you," He grumbled slightly as Logan slowly opened the door, slightly hoping that he won't be ambushed by Remy.

Brushing the weird, green, goopy thing from his eye, Logan yawned quietly, "Go wait in the living room, I'll be ready in a bit," Logan shooed Remy away as he nodded accompanied by finger guns, before leaving Logan alone to get dressed.

After putting actual clothes on since apparently pyjamas aren't clothes, Remy stole Logan from the comfort of his home and made him go to Starbu-... Mac Donalds. It was definitely Mac Donalds and definitely not Starbucks that Remy was taking him to go to. Definitely not.

...They went to Starbucks.

The two got themselves a table in the corner and Remy went to order the drinks whilst Logan rethought his life descisions. As well as that, lie on the table cause he was still exhausted by being woken up at the wrong time, he had a system. The table wasn't that comfy.

When Remy came back, Logan had remebered something from a while ago. There was one thing he wanted to ask. "Are you ever going to ask Emile out or...?" Logan asked lifting his head to slurp some of his drink.

"PSGHAJAKSKSK," Logan's eyes widened as Remy began choking on his drink, slamming his hand againest his chest violently as he coughed so he wouldn't drown via Starbucks. Calming down, Remy took a sharp breath in, catching it with each breath. "God why'd ya spring that on me whilst drinkin-"

Yeah he probably needed to take a small break, poking him awake again, Remy continued what he was saying, "Either way, Em is Aro, I doubt he'd be comfortable with me confessing to him and shit," Remy stated, slurping his drink again before continuing his dialogue, "Still...I'm happy the way things are...I wouldn't want this to change," he explained with a meloncholy smile, playing with the straw in his drink.

Humming in response, Logan watched him as he took a sip of his drink, "A queer platonic relationship is probably what would work for both of you," Logan stated, he dived into google more often than not. But he was a bit unsure though since Emile had trouble coming to terms with his identity. It would all matter on how either of them react anyways.

"Mm," Remy slurpped his drink obnoxiously loud, reaching the ice at the bottom. "I've been meaning to ask, how are your guitar lesson going, you've been doing them for a while," He continued along only barely acknowledging the previous conversation, his eyes locked on the fingers that were wrapped up a while back.

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