Chapter 7

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Scrolling through his phone, Logan really had nothing to do. All his mind did was drift back to when Roman spoke to him a bit ago.

The way his eyes shone in the dim streetlights, the way he constantly listened to Disney, the way he still hadn't cut his hair. Was he growing it? He'd look cute with long hair.

Then he remembered what he was supposed to be doing: getting over his crush. Yet, somehow, now, he was further than ever on his path to getting over Roman. Ironic right? This just confirms how silly he was in his mind.

Concentrating on something else, Logan fingers still hurt. He'd been practicing so much, just trying to perfect it. At this point he was probably getting on everyone elses nerves by how much he practices nowerdays. Along with that, he'd accidently made his fingertips bleed multiple times so it wasn't unusual to see him with bandaged fingers.

It's been around 3 weeks since the first guitar lesson. Nothing interesting had happened. He'd barely texted anyone, he'd barely done anything and the only time he talked to people was either at work or at school. Logan didn't mind that of course.


"I'm worried about Lo," Fay started as she gained the attention of her girlfriends, distracting them from the news. Which wasn't the most interesting today.

The three were all cuddled on the sofa, still in their pjyamas whilst their legs almost over the side of the sofa. Luckily there wasn't an end table where Vix's foot was. "Now that you mention it, he has been rather distant," Vix continued, progressively getting quieter as she spoke.

"You think it's about that boy he told us about?" Elina asked, reading her book as she sat againest the arm of the sofa. The book was from The Heroes Of Olympus, it was The House Of Hades. It's her favourite book from that series. 'Where you least expect me....As Love always is'.

"Could be..." Fay mumbled as she lay back onto Elina, trying not to make her lose her place on the page she was reading. "What do you think?" She asked, looking up at her girlfriend.

Shrugging, Elina turned a page and put a bookmark in it, and by a bookmark, I mean a random slip of paper she found a week ago that has no real importance to anyone. "You could always ask, I know you want to Fay," She told her. "That's just the way you are, caring, even if you try to hide it," Elina stated as she began to plait a little braid in Fay's smooth, long, black hair.

"I know," Fay told her.

Smiling, Vix sat up, avoiding putting her stump down (the fake foot started aching so she applied some cream and is letting it rest). "Go on, we'll be waiting for you here honey," Vix told her, planting a little kiss on Fay's lips as the woman got up.

Before leaving, Fay snuck a little kiss to Elina. She knows that she loves it. No one can deny it. She really loved her family.

Knocking a few times on Logan's door, making her heart fall, she heard the faint sound of the guitar. Equipped under her arm was the first aid kit, incase he hurt himself again. Of course she knew this was unhealthy. "Lo?" She said, trying to be louder than the guitar.

Suddenly, the noise stopped as she heard shuffling from inside the room. Opening the door, Logan looked at his mother as he craddled his right hand slightly as the blood stained his hands slightly as it dripped. "Mom?" He asked.

"Your hand," Fay pointed as she let herself into Logan's room and sat on hos bed. Patting the spot beside her, she urged Logan over to her.

The faint echo of the song Logan was playing, blared though the headphones on his bedside table, piled on top of sheets of paper and the books he was using. He'd moved his lamp around to his drawers. Homework that was due in a few days were scattered all over his desk along with various pens, pencils, rulers, even a dictionary that he was probably not going to use.

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