Chapter 9

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Snapping out of that weird trance, Logan eyes landed on the boy only one seat from the edge of the row, Roman. His face glowed in the bright lights a blooming shade of red. God he wanted to go home and hide in his bed, wrapped up and safe. He just wanted a calm day with his best friends. It's not like he didn't like the other 5, it was just getting a bit much.

The room felt like it was getting smaller. The lights were getting brighter. Did they start speaking louder? He felt his lungs falter as he grabbed his hair in defence. His heart beat through his ears. It was so loud? Why id it so loud? Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop.

His hands started shaking as he struggled to tuck himself into a ball. Somewhere safe. Is he safe? Clutching tighter onto his trousers, he gripping onto his ears, digging into his skin. Why was it getting louder? Why isn't it getting quieter? Make it stop. Make it stop. MAKE IT STOP FOR FUCKS SAKE.

Everyone flinched as their attention ripped away from their conversations, to Logan whom had screamed out his last thought. Their hair stood up on the back of their necks as their pupils shrunk to the sound. A stabbing pain grew in their throat, no one could say anything to that. Even strangers whom weren't concerned earlier were staring. Their eyes stained onto Logan, stabbing him violently in the lungs.

Staring at the 5, Emile took action, "I think it's best you leave," He commanded, the only taking action as everyone else asked the only question 'what do we do?'. Emile had that answer, "Please," he begged.

Pushing past his friends, Roman made himself closer to the other 3, "Will he be alright?" He asked quietly, his voice was like honey. Warm and smooth. Yet sticky and sickening to hear.

His eyes fell on Logan as Emile spoke, Roman had no idea what he said, all he knew is that he had to leave so that Logan would be okay. Sighing, Roman solemnly nodded before reaching into his pocket and taking something out.

Below, Logan was still teary eyed, no one could see his face, but everyone knew that fact. Leaning down, Roman slowly took Logan's hand and held it in his own. Placing something in the hand and letting Logan tug away, Roman whispered something to the other teen before standing up.

"I'm sorry about this," Roman told them, bowing slightly which gave the other 4 the queue to leave the theatre so that Emile and Remy could sort Logan out.

Wrapping the blanket in his bag around Logan, Remy tucked it around the boy as Emile slowly placed a hand on his shoulder and began talking to him.

"Are you alright Lo?" Emile asked as Logan shook his head as it was shaking like hell. Leaning down to Logan's level, Emile smiled a melancholy smile. "That's alright," he told him. "You're safe," he assured Logan as the boy was shaking. "It's okay, they're gone now,"

Shooing away curious staring from nosy strangers, Remy couldn't help but send a concerned glance back at the two. Even he was scared, he had no support by himself in case he fell asleep and of course, this hasn't happened before. At least not with them and they'd known Logan for years. Right now, this was all he could do is this and kick himself mentally for not being useful enough.

"You're okay," Emile told him as Logan started to breathe slower. It was still quick just less intense. He was unsure if he felt pity towards his friend or concern or he just wanted to feel useful to anyone. "It's alright," He repeated from earlier, the words seemed to have some sort of effect on Logan because he calmed down more, he was more relaxed, but tired. "Will you be fine with walking to my house?" Emile asked.

Luckily his house was close, Logan had no reason to refuse so they eventually left before they got kicked out the theatre. Remy disposed of everything they had, or at least the things they'd finished. Which was the popcorn, Emile's and his own drink. They still had the smarties and Logan's coke. During the film they all agreed that Logan and his slurping  problem would attract angry stares.

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