Chapter 12

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Quietly, Roman sighed, looking up at Logan with a full-hearted smile, his eyes gleamed like he was gazing at the sun in the sky or even perhaps the moon in the middle of the night. Even so, his face glowed like the afternoon sun, resting in the tired sky.

Turning his head, Roman swung himself higher on the swing as Logan watched from below. Slowing himself down, Logan's gaze lingered on Roman whom was swinging beside him. Up and down, up and down, his heart matched the pace.

Giggling as he watched Roman spit his hair out from his mouth, Logan felt as if he could hear the heavens sigh warmly. Peaking from the sides of his mouth, his lips grew gently across his cheeks and his stare never faultered. If he blinked, would he wake up from this dream?

His lungs filled with warm air, he couldn't help but blink, the world just seemed more colourful. Gazing too long may have blinded his heart.

"Hey, Logan," Roman slowed slightly so the wind didn't blow his hair in his face. Either way, it rippled through this locks like soft fingers, except thing time, Logan could see his face, his eyes too. Beautiful.

Swinging, Logan turned back to Roman, his eyes stared like a meloncholy flower, almost withered. "Yeah," The words flowed perfectly out of his mouth and he hadn't noticed his hand had stopped shaking.

Now Roman's swing had completely stopped, the air shivered againest their faces as Roman began speaking, "Do you believe in soulmates?" He asked, his green eyes soft and dull, he hadn't noticed before but there were vague outlines of eyebags upon the boy's face.

Though, the question caught his attention, "What do you mean by that?" Logan questioned curiously, turning himself to gaze at Roman properly.

Dropping his shoulders, Roman chuckled slightly, a small blush peered at the world, "You know, soulmates, the one person out there that's...made for you...your best friend, your...lover, your family, someone who'll always be there for you, someone who you'll always find your way back to because you can't get them out of your mind," Roman ranted, pausing, he caught his breath out of his heart's grasp, "You know, the one, the one who...truly loves you... either romantically, platonically or familial," he calmed down, swinging himself slightly with his legs as he stared at the sky. "It's stupid isn't it?...Thinking that there's something out there like that for...everyone,"

"I don't think it's stupid," Logan admitted, "It sounds nice that... someone out there will just simply love you...forever," It would be a lie to say his heart didn't feel heavier or that he didn't feel his lungs in his throat or that some part of his mind believed Roman was talking about him. "But personally, I honestly think that it's too good to be true," Logan stated.

Humming, Roman nodded, "How do you mean?" He asked fiddling with a loose string on his jacket.

"People change all the time, would someone be able to love you even if the person they loved is now someone different?" Logan sighed, staring at the big rock at his feet, kicking it slightly as if it was himself making him droop into him own arms. Slowly growing out of his cocoon, he continued speaking after a few seconds of silence, " would be wonderful to have special as that," Logan ended as he fidgeted with the charm on his necklace.

The two swung in a comfortable silence as the sun shined down upon them, only them and that was okay. Everything was completely okay in that moment. As if all war and conflict, fires and storms, pollution and destruction had all ceased in those few seconds right then and there. Perhaps they did, at least in their minds.

Buzz buzz.

Taking out his phone, the screen shined brightly againest his face as the nodifications got swipped away, followed by fast tapping. Putting it away, Roman gave Logan an apologetic smile, "My dad wants me to come home, I'll...see you later?" Roman said voice full of hope.

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