Chapter 3

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Waking up the next day for school, Logan was still filled with adrenaline and happiness, and an insane ammount of chicken katsu. With help from his alarm clock. Getting up was the easy part of the day.

School however was that hard part.

Logan put on a simple black button up shirt with high length jeans (from the women's section) and put on a long blue cardigan so he could put things in a pocket like his phone and other things that he couldn't be bothered to get out of his bag.

The first ones awake are usually Logan and Eli, Eli has work in the mornings and obviously Logan has school so he has to wake up early.

"Morning hon," Eli greeted as Logan walked into the kitchen to grab some cereal. Logan stopped in his tracks in fron of his dad and looked up blankly at him, "It's dad today by the way," He informed his son.

"Alright dad, I was gonna ask if you can move out the way, you're blocking the cereal," Logan told him pointing at the cereal boxes behind him.

Scoffing, Eli grabbed the cereal and passed it to Logan whilst getting the milk from the fridge beside him as Logan got himself a bowl from the cupboards. Pouring the cereal in the bowl first, he passed the box back to Eli trading it for a milk carton as Eli put the cereal box back.

"Tell me when you're ready to leave Lo," Eli said as he left Logan to his own devices in the kitchen.


Being greated by the complete polar oposites by your car as you attempt to get out, and those two are your best friends is probably the thing Logan needed that morning.

Emile was shorter than Logan, his favourite colour was baby pink but he also adored baby blue, you could only catch him in those two colours unless it's gym wear. Or if he goes somewhere that will get the clothes dirty. He had a cute round face and black button eyes. His hair was light brown and had loose ringlets. Today he was wearing a pink and black cardigan, the sleeves were pink striped but the rest of it was just black. Underneath, he was just wearing a peach polo shirt. More often than not, he would wear the same trousers, either that or he brought more of the same trousers.

Remy was Logan's other friend. The only reason they didn't see each other much was because Remy had narcolepsy and kept falling asleep in class or even when he went to the bathroom. His eyes were sensitive so he wore shades everywhere. Everyday he wore his favourite leather jacket which had a Bisexual flag badge and other various flags he identified under sewn into it, the only reason Remy had picked up sewing is because of this one thing. Fay had taught him. Other than that, he wore a white shirt that he tucks into trousers that he cuffs, even if it's winter. All in all a very intriguing hispanic lad.

Dragging Logan out of the car via arms, Remy did a gay wave to Eli. "Sorry we're kidnapping your son!" Emile called back to his dad, waving as Remy clung to Logan, leading the teenager into school as Emile skipped on behind them.

Waving his son goodbye, Eli began driving to work. By the way, just to clarify, Eli has two jobs, the business and another job as a secretary for some firm in the town. It was more closer to the city so he usually left early.

Putting his other arm around Emile, the three walked into school, bashing into everyone like a walking concrete wall, running over teenagers left and right. Remy even intentionally made them bump into people by side stepping like a crab.

Just before the three of them got to the cafeteria where everyone sat, Remy went down for the count. Simultaneously, Emile and Logan picked up Remy by one armpit and began holding him up like that, slightly dangling since Remy was the shortest out of the three.

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