Chapter 13

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Roman's P.O.V (betcha didn't see this coming)

Ugh....why is it so bright....

Shielding my eyes from the light I dared my first look at what the fuck was going on.

"RISE AND SHINE," Shing! Turning my head to where the sound came from, I looked at the shiny metal of the sharp ass knife Remus likes. Yes, my brother has a favourite knife, he uses it for everything, even things he's not supposed to use it for. "GET UP," Remus unsheathed the blade from my now-torn bedsheets.

"What do you want?" That came out a bit more slurred than angry, gotta work on that. Rubbing my eyes to get rid of that gross green stuff in them, I glared right at my relative. "Why are you dressed, school isn't for 2 weeks...don't tell me-"

"I DIDN'T FORGET!" Remus screeched back forcing me to plug my ears to save them from any damaged. Fuck he was louder than usual. When the heck did he wake up anyways? How didn't I notice we literally sleep in the same room.

Ugh, lifting myself up, I shoved both Remus and Finny (his knife) away from me, "What do you want?" I asked again getting increasingly more frustrated as I wiped the drool from my cheek with the bottom of my shirt.

Why the fuck is he going through my drawers? After getting my own underwear thrown at me, I got the message, "Ugh, where are we going," I groaned putting the uncoordinated clothes he threw at me to the side. I wasn't going to wear that crap outside.

Placing a finger to his mouth as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket whilst shushing me, villianous music started playing. Waving me off like the obnoxious little shit he is, Remus soon left the room. I wish he left sooner.

That fucker didn't close my door again.


Of course I picked out something better...totally not Love, Simon inspired. I'm just kidding, of course it is! Why wouldn't it be, that movie is good...okay maybe not good but decent. I mean they could have made Simon gayer....then again he wore flannels, drank ice coffee... Wait ignore me.

What I picked out was a gorgeous denium jacket with a red shirt (it has rainbow sleeves) and some plain black bottoms. I'm just kidding, they weren't plain, they were ripped jeans, but, what makes it better is that, uder the rips were a beautiful red cloth patterned with little stars. I brought those handsome jeans from a small business nearby called 'Dresses for all, even you!'. It turned out they did more than just dresses, though I did buy myself one incase I wanted to try one on. You never know if you like something unless you try!

After leaving the place where I am vaguely safe (reference earlier with Finny), I immediately got dragged by the arm, getting carpet burn on my side, chest and back before being pushing down the stairs. At this point, I've just accepted these things.

...Fuck my jeans got ripped.

Dusting myself off right before Remus came down, I put on my red converses then prepared myself for where ever the hell Remus was going to take me. It's not like this hasn't happened before.

Swinging the door open, I felt myself being dragged again, my shoelaces were still not done up yet. If I trip it's his fault cause screw him.

My shoes scraped loudly againest the ground as I was swiftly whisked away to whatever hell Remus wanted to go to today. Hopefully we won't get mugged again. Finny had to assist us back then. I don't like it when Finny gets involed, I like solving things by myself, I don't need a shiny friend to help.

Eventually we reached my dear brothers destination, can you guess what he woke me up for at 9am, with a knife? You guessed it, he decided he wanted some fucking starbucks. Didn't even bring enough money for both of us to get drinks.

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