Chapter 10

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Staring straight at the ceiling, Logan still couldn't sleep. It'd been an hour, maybe two, since Remy went to sleep and after their conversation.

Maybe it was because he went to sleep early? Perhaps. Either way, sleeping wasn't an easy feat at the moment. He wanted to sleep, of course, but he just couldn't. You know that feeling?

Stirring, Emile shuffled a bit in his sleep before his eyes slowly cracked open, completely awake, just as Logan was. Shimmying his arm out from under Logan, he turned on the light from his alarm clock and checked the time, 4:56am.

Sighing semi-loudly, he lay back and stared at the ceiling as Logan did the same. "You okay Em?" Logan asked, slicing a knife through the peaceful silence.

Humming as if thinking he was the only one awake, Emile turned to face Logan, "Yeah? Why?" He asked curiously as the faint tip of the sunrise shone into the room allowing them both to see.

"No reason, just wondering," He told him as he shifted his body so it was comfy. He was getting used to Emile clinging onto him so changing his position took some time.

Laying in silence, the air lightened slightly. Perhaps it was just the morning coming around. Still, even when it became 5am, the two were still wide awake.

Thinking back to his and Remy's conversation, he never really asked the question he really wanted to ask him. Still, there was this sense of intensity, maybe he felt life he couldn't ask him. Or that he shouldn't.

"How do you get over someone?" Logan asked, silently hoping for a reply from Emile. Hopefully he wasn't already fast asleep. Then again it would be pretty easy to wake him up.

Raising an eyebrow, Emile sat up, as he began thinking, after about 10 seconds, he began speaking: "I...don't know," he admitted, awkwardly chuckling along to himself. "I've never actually fallen for anyone before,"


"Yeah," Emile sighed, "I always thought I was...broken?" Smiling half-heartedly, Emile continued, "Everyone else was getting crushes and things but I...I never felt a thing. Friendship's always been enough for me," Once again Emile thought to himself. Fortunately, empathy was one of his strong suites, "But I believe it would be hard...I doubt you'd be able to get over it straight away, sorry I'm not anymore help,"

Smiling back at Emile, Logan gently put a hand on Emile's shoulder, "You're not broken Em, you're my friend," He told him as he snuck a glance at the alarm clock, "Still, it was good advice," Sighing, Logan gazed at Emile, "We should probably get to sleep,"

Glancing at the alarm clock, the time was 5:03am, smiling small-ly he nodded before crawling back into the covers, "Night Lo,"

"Night Em,"


Unfortunately, Emile's alarm clock was loud and unfortunately, no one else knew it was set so they got a mild heart attack the moment Remy and Logan woke up. 'Death by alarm clock' what a way to go out.

Groaning, Emile flapped his uand to the alarm clocks, elbowing Logan in the ribs as he tried to find all their glasses because literally no one could see here for various reasons. Logan was shirt sighted, Emile was long sighted and Remy has sensitive eyeballs. So, you get the point, no one can see a thing.

Passing along the glasses, the three were fully equipped with sight for the day. Reaching over Emile, Logan grabbed the necklace and put it on as Emile and Remy got out of bed.

Out of all of them, Remy had the worst bed hair. It was a close tie with terrible and horrendous, but Remy's took the cake as it stuck out everywhere as if someone exploded a bomb on his head. Unlike Logan and Emile, Remy's hair was entirely a mess, whereas the other two had decent parts of their hairdo.

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