Chapter 5

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It was Saturday and it was the first day of Logan working then next week her would start guitar. After getting his work hours and uniform, he got changed in the disgusting public bathroom before getting introduced to some of his co-workers.

Slapping him on the back, his supervisor pushed him forwards a bit before saying, "Introduce yourself to them, you'll be working with them for the time being," He told him. His supervisor was much older than him, probably finishing college soon.

All of their names were on their name tags so Logan knew their names. It was on his as well, he just didn't understand why he had to introduce himself if they already knew his name. Or maybe people don't look at name tags now cause they don't care about our names. They probably didn't anyways.

There were 3 people that Ryan (his supervisor) had gathered. They all looked about his age strangely enough. Did most teenagers get jobs at their local superstore?

One was shorter than the rest and on his name tag it said his name was: "Patton". It also said his pronouns next to it. He wore round, white rimmed glasses that seemed to have thick lenses. He had an undercut but the longer part of his hair was filled with bushy, strawberry blond curls. His eyes were hazel and his pale face was covered in dark freckles like most gingers. His face was round and he was slightly chubby, but it was cute. It added to his charm. Along with that he looked like he had a bit of acne, but it blended in with his freckles so you couldn't really tell that well

The one standing close to him was probably like a foot taller than him. On his lanyard, his name tag was lopsided but it was readable. His name was 'Virgil'. Lanky as can be, he didn't look too much like a vampire, his face was slightly sun burnt though, can't blame him, Florida is bright. His hair was clearly dyed black because his roots had grown out quite a lot and he had stripes of purple on his fringe which was swished to the left. The underneath of his eyes probably had massive muscles because those eyebags looked heavy. Speaking of his eyes, they were an unusual colour, they looked violet. Rare, but not impossible, just strange to see. They were beautiful though.

The third one looked like he was snorting coke in the bathroom at school and had to get money for his drug dealer or maybe he was just weird. Anyways, his name tag was actually the neatest out of the three: "Remus" was his name, and splattered around the name tag was various badges. He was pale as fuck but was probably lacking pigment because a chunk of his hair was white, either it was recently dyed or it was naturally like that, but the rest of his hair was curiously the same colour as Roman's. Unlike Roman's his eyes were a lighter green, you could even mistake them for white. Similarly to many teenagers, he was basically growing a farm of white and blackheads on the sides of his face and he had a deep looking scar on his cheek. Unironically, he looked like he was pretending to be taller than everyone else but was definitely just average height.

"Um...hi," Logan awkwardly waved, not knowing who to look at. There's a lovely selection but he might offend someone by looking at them. "I'm Logan, Logan Hearthworth," He decided the safest bet was closing his eyes and not looking at any of them.

"Sup," Virgil greeted, waving two fingers like a salute as he relaxed slightly.

"Hiya! I'm Patton," Patton introduced himself, being the only introducing himself at that fact as well. The other two didn't feel the need to introduce themselves. Or they just simplily forgot they had a name.

Looking to the third one, Logan frowned as he caught Remus with his finger up his nose. Smiling and waving maniacally, Remus ignored the fact that he had a booger on his finger.

Leaning towards Logan, Ryan whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, he works in the back," Ryan informed him. Reasonable enough, people would probably be disgusted and complain since Remus handles their shopping.

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