Cheif and Detective

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Hopper's POV.

"Joyce do you wanna head to the office i'll be down in a minute i just need to speak to flo" i said smiling at her. "yeah i remember the way" she said smiling and walking away. I was the happiest i had been in a while doing the job i love, in the town i love, with the woman i love. 

"whats got you so happy cheif" flo said snapping me back to reality. "oh im just happy to be home that's all" i said reaching for a doughnut. "see your back to the old habits" flo said nudging me "including being crazy for joyce" i laughed at what flo had just said "damn it flo you really do know me too well but this is a secret for now got it" "sure thing cheif" she laughed and threw me an apple whilst i was on the way to my office. 

"anything interesting on todays itinerary?" joyce asked me excited to begin her new job. "nope nothing much to do until we get a call, what are the kids up to today?" I t was the christmas holidays they were probably going to do something boring like that D&D game wil talks about. "i'm pretty sure their going to the movies" joyce replied "sounds fun the one at starcourt?" i asked "no that isnt being reopened for another week" joyce said looking rather worried i noticed this straight away. 

"hey joy whats up you look worried" i asked looking into her tear filled brown eyes. "it's just that place and the memories they will have there, the memories we have there i don't believe it's going to be safe. "hey joyce i promise you anything leading to that base is being closed up" i walked to the other side of my desk and gave her a hug. "promise?" she asked "yes i promise it's going to be safe" we stayed in the hug for a few minutes until i heard the station door open. I heard the radio crackle it was flo calling me. "i'll be right back okay" i said to joyce while leaving. I felt bad leaving her when she felt like that but this is my job.

"what's up flo" i asked walking up to her desk. She gave me a stern look and said "jonathan byers called you both need to go home right now" what was going on "whats going on flo?" i asked concerned for the kids and joyce. "i hate to be the one to tell you this hop but lonnie byers is back and he's at the byers house looking for Joyce" WHAT! he's not going to get anywhere near her if i have anything to do with it. The look on my face became angrier as i said "who's at the house?" "Jonathan and Will , Nancy , Max, Steve, Robin and..." she looked as if she didn't want to tell me this "who else is there flo, who else?" "El" no this can't be happening the two people i loved most are in danger. 

I stormed into my office grabbing my coat and spare guns. "what's going on and where are you going?" Joyce asked worried because i looked so angry. "to kill a son of a bitch" i replied storming out to my car. Joyce ran after me and got into the car with me. "what the hell are you doing here Joyce it's not safe" "if its not safe for me its not safe for you either im coming with you" i knew she was stubborn but she definetly wasn't going to like this "okay joyce but stay behind me the whole time and don't get too angry or upset" i sighed. "what does this mean Hop what's going on?" oh god i was hoping she wasn't going to ask me this.

"it's lonnie he's at the house looking for you and the kids are all there" her soft look soon turned cold "HE'S WHAT!" she wasn't calm she was far from that. "look Joyce i know you're angry and i am too believe me but im going to bring him down to the station and you can even file restraining orders if you want to just let me handle him first" she sighed and agreed. We pulled up at the Byers house and walked inside to steve fighting Lonnie.

Joyce's POV.

"steve get off of him were here" hopper yelled at him. Once steve got up Hopper cuffed lonnie to the counter leg. "what the hell were you doing steve?" i asked grabbing him an ice pack from the kitchen. Steve took the ice pack off me and gave me a 'thank you' look. "well he was about to hit Will when El stepped in and let him hit her and it hurt her like hell so i started beating the shit out of the scumbag" steve said rather proud of himself. "oh my gosh steve that's crazy" i exclaimed "is El okay where is she?" i asked changing my expressions completely. 

Hopper walked in "why wouldn't El be okay?" he asked extremely worried. "Hop s-she took a hit for Will" i said knowing Hopper would go crazy. "he hit her he hit my daughter" Hopper got extremely angry i don't think i have ever seen him like this. He walked over to lonnie and screamed in his face "did you hit my daughter?" all lonnie did was let out a laugh and evil grin. Hopper bent down to his level and punched him in the face multiple times i had to stop him he was going to kill him. Even though that wouldn't be so bad Hop couldn't go to jail. "hop, hopper stop it" i yelled trying to get his attention. I yelled the same sentence multiple times until he finally listened to me and walked away from lonnie towards me. 

"hop are you okay" his hands were covered in his and lonnie's blood "yeah i'm perfectly fine Joyce" he said with less anger in his voice "Steve where is she?" he asked turning towards him. "she's in Joyce's room with Will, Max and Nancy" Steve said pointing down the hall. "thanks kid" hop said as we ran down the hall to my room. I figured Robin and Jonathan stayed with Steve just incase anything happened. We entered my room and Hop hugged El really tight i could see the relief on his face when he saw she was okay. Will was sat next to her and i gave him a reassuring hug. As me and Hopper pulled away from our children i saw the bruise forming on El's face from lonnie's hit.

Hopper's POV.

"Are you okay El?" i asked her holding her hand. "yes dad im okay it just hurts, are you okay?" she asked me looking down at my bleeding hands. She always thought of others before herself just like Joyce those few months i was gone really had an impact on her and i assume Joyce taught her very well. "i'm going to be fine El don't worry about me." Joyce looked over at us and came to sit the other side of El. "thank you El" she said hugging her "i'm so sorry he did that to you" she said tearing up. She hated seeing any of them hurt. "it's okay Joyce i would do anything to protect Will he's like my brother" El said reassuring Joyce that she was okay. I'm glad El thought of Will like a brother after all they have been living together for a few months. 

Me and Joyce both got up to talk to lonnie to see what the dirtbag wanted. We walked to where he was cuffed to the counter. "what are you doing here lonnie?" Joyce yelled. He smiled at her with blood dripping down his face "i want to see my sons Joycie" she hated when he called her that i could tell by her facial expressions. "your sons the ones you tried to hit and haven't contacted for years those sons" she screamed getting angrier each word. 

Lonnie couldn't even speak he just sat there in disbelief. I heard a car pull up outside then a minute later Powell and Callahan walked in to the house. "now Lonnie my officers are going to take you to the station and hold you until morning when all the restriction orders have been signed so never come back" i said to him uncuffing him and throwing him at Powell and Callahan. They left and took him to the station and all the kids except El, Will, Jonathan and Nancy left for home.

Joyce's POV. 

It was finally over Lonnie was out of my house and he could never come near me or my family again. I smiled as i acknowleged this. I walked into my room to see Hop was still sat next to El, he was protective over her very but he needed to get his hands cleaned and bandaged. "Hop we need to clean your hands El can sit on the couch and watch a movie with the others." He got up and so did El she happily ran down the hall and sat with the other kids. "go into the bathroom and wait there until i get some bandages. He did as i said and a few minutes later i walked in to the bathroom to see him sat on the baths edge. I hated seeing him and El hurt it breaks me but i had to stay strong for him. 

"thanks for doing that Hop" i said while wiping the blood off of his hands. "it's no problem Joy anything to keep you and your family safe" he gave me a weak smile. I finished cleaning his hands and bandaged them up. "we have to go back to work" i said getting up. "i suppose we do" he sighed. 

We went back to work and stayed in the office all day there was no other action. We eventually got home and ate. By 10pm the kids were in bed and me and Hop were cuddling watching TV. Time went extremely fast and soon it was 12am. Me and Hop got into my bed and fell to sleep.

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