Finding El!

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Hopper's POV. 

El was missing, i couldn't lose another daughter and it was my fault she ran away i shouted at her and told her she had to stay in. God damn why did i have to be so stubborn. Me and Joyce were walking through the woods at the side of the house, the woods lead straight through to the road the kids call Mirkwood.

"hey hop come and look at this quickly" Joyce shouted from further into the woods. "holy shit do you think this was El?" i asked examining the trees lay on the floor "most definetly she said she needed to clear her head i take it this was why" she said standing back up again "god this is all my fault if i just let her go out we wouldn't be in this situation" she looked up at me and wiped the one tear from my cheek "hey none of this is your fault okay you were just being a parent so don't blame yourself okay" i showed her a half-hearted smile and continued looking.

Max's POV. 

El was at my house tonight after what happened earlier today she didn't really want to go home. We had fun and she seemed to forget what happened but i didn't Joyce and Hopper were probably really upset. "hey el do you think you should at least contact your parents to tell them your okay?" she didn't reply so i said "el they could be really worried looking for you in the cold" she turned over and said "i'll call them in the morning okay?" i sighed "yeah okay" she smiled and said "halfway happy" and we fell to sleep.

Joyce's POV. 

Me and Hop had been searching for about three hours and it was nearing four "hey hop i think we should go home and look in the morning i'm really tired" he turned around and faced me "but what if she's not safe she could be out there dying" he said pleading "hop she's not stupid and she will have kept safe i promise" he looked behind us and said "fine but were going out first thing okay" i smiled "yes of course we will" We walked back to the house and fell to sleep.

------------------------------------------------7AM THE NEXT MORNING-----------------------------------------------

Will's POV. 

I woke up next to my brother and immediatly walked over to mine and El's room to see if she was any better but when i got there the door was opened and there was no site of her anywhere in the house. I walked up to mom's room and opened the door "where's el?" i shouted waking them both from their sleep "shit Joyce we need to start looking again" i looked confused "start looking for who el?" i asked but no one answered "WOULD SOMEONE LIKE TO TELL ME WHERE THE HELL MY SISTER IS" i yelled this time startling them both.

Mom walked over to me and gave me a hug before saying "she ran away yesterday and we don't know where she is" my jaw dropped and tears began streaming down my face "how long have you known for?" i asked enraged "only since around 12am but we didn't want to wake you so we went searching alone" hop replied "seriously no one told me i could have helped you" mom tried to smile at me "you can help now though right?" i smiled "i'm going to find her"

-----------------------------10 AM WILL, JOYCE AND HOP HAD BEEN LOOKING FOR 3HRS-------------------

Eleven's POV.

Me and Max woke up at 10am after our late night. Then i remembered i promised to call home. First i tried the house phone, no answer. Then i tried to reach Will's walkie talkie, no answer. So finally i changed the frequency attempting to reach dad "dad do you copy?" i asked. A moment went by until i heard him "el, i copy is that you?" he asked i smiled "yes dad it's me" i heard him laugh and say "are you okay? are you safe? where are you?" it was my turn to laugh now "dad i'm fine and i'm perfectly safe i spent the night at Max's i'll come home right now okay?" "yes okay i'll meet you there"

I got changed and i was about to leave the house when Max stopped me and said "hey wait up i'm coming too for moral support" We both walked to the house and saw dad, Will and Joyce standing outside waiting for my arrival. As soon as dad saw me he gave me the biggest hug and said "i'm sorry for last night just please don't do that again okay" i laughed and said "i can't make any promises" I pulled away from my dad and walked over to Joyce "i'm sorry about last night and shouting i was just angry" she gave me a hug "i was angry too okay but don't run away it doesn't solve problems."

We all walked inside dad was practically glued to me and Max was telling Will about me knocking down all those trees. Will walked over to me and said "i'm sorry i wasn't there for you yesterday, i missed you" i smiled at him "i missed you too but where's Jonathan?" i asked looking over at Joyce at the phone. "the wheelers" will replied "he's angry and won't come home" and it's my fault a single tear trickled down my cheek "it's my fault isn't it i should apologise" max butted in "no way should you apologise el he was way out of line he just needs to get over it"

"Max is right you know" a voice came from the doorway it was Jonathan "look mom and el i'm really sorry i was just shocked i guess. I ran up to him and hugged him "i'm sorry too" Joyce joined in on the hug too. We were family again and soon we would have another addition. 

Joyce's POV. 

Everything was peaceful tonight we watched TV as a family. Once the kids went to bed it was just me and hop yet again "so when's the first doctors appointment?" he asked kissing my stomach "the middle of november its the 14 week scan" he smiled "can't wait"

---------------------------------------------THE WHEELER HALLOWEEN PARTY-----------------------------------

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