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Joyce's POV.

It has been 5 days since we got back from the honeymoon and i was still being sick each morning. Luckily it was still the summer holidays so the kids slept in late and Hop had to be in work before i even woke up. I figure it's just stress or anxiety because the kids are always out and about with no adults and Hop wasn't with me most mornings but stress and anxiety had never made me sick before. Mabye it was just something new. I didn't tell anyone because they would all be worried about me and i never liked being the centre of attention.

Most mornings i tried to eat breakfast before the kids got up because i could never keep the food down but today El woke up at the same time as me. I couldn't eat while she was here i would end up being sick and then she would ask questions and tell the Hop and the boys which was a no. "morning" el said skipping over to the fridge to look for food. "morning El do you want breakfast?" i asked going over to her "yes please i can make it if you want" she walked over to the stove with bacon and eggos in her hands. "thats okay El i can make it you can watch TV if you want" She walked away and switched the TV on with her mind. 

I had to usher her out of the room as quickly as possible the look of the bacon or any food made me feel sick. I put the bacon in the pan and left it to cook but then it hit me the sudden urge to throw up. 

Eleven's POV.

Joyce was cooking breakfast and i was watching TV but i heard her run to the bathroom. She hadn't done this before even if she needed the bathroom, she was mostly cautious of waking the boys up so this had me worried. I slowly walked up to the bathroom door and knocked lightly. It was quiet for a moment or two Joyce didn't answer but i could hear her being sick. I knocked again and said "joyce are you okay?" there was a minute with no reply until i heard the toilet flush and the door unlock "yes i'm fine El nothing to worry about" she said walking back to the breakfast.

"but there is you are sick" i said following her "el i'm okay its just stress" she avoided my eyes and continued cooking. "promise?" i asked grabbing some water "promise now sit down and eat before its cold" she said placing my food on the table. "wheres yours?" i asked before she left "oh i'm not hungry just yet i'll grab something later" she replied walking down the hall. 

Joyce's POV.

That was a close one El almost caught on to me but she believed that it was 'Just Stress'  which even i wasn't buying anymore. As soom as the smell of El's finished food hit me the nausea did too. This time i walked down the hall not to worry El. I walked into the bathroom quickly locking the door and throwing up again. Mabye i'm sick. Mabye i should see a doctor. No it's just stress right?

Once i was finished i walked into my bedroom and got changed for work. Since starcourt reopened we have had less customers again which i don't mind. The kids sometimes come in to grab snacks before a sleepover of a day of hanging out but my favourite part of the day is when Hop comes in when he's not working. I got ready for work and just as i was heading for the door El stopped me and said "i'm going to Max's for a sleepover, i'm walking there now" she had her skateboard and a small bag with her. "i can drop you off in town if you want its less of a walk then" she smiled and followed me out to the car. 

"El i have to ask you to promise me something okay" i said starting the car up "what is it?" she asked curiously "you remember what happened this morning don't tell anyone okay not the boys, not Max and especially not your dad okay?" she smiled although she looked confused "okay i promise" she said looking out of the window at Hawkins scenery. The rest of drive was silent "remember El have fun and only use your powers if it's just you and Max" she smiled and laughed "and if there's a problem call dad at work or call you at work and if no one picks up call home bye" she walked over to Max who she radioed earlier to meet her in town. 

Hopper's POV.

It was nearing lunch so i knew Joyce would have her break soon. It has never been busy at the station since the Russians last year but i didn't mind it being quiet it meant more time for family and more time to look for a house nearer town centre and nearer the kids friends. El was finally allowed to start school in September as long as she was careful and didn't use her powers. Life was finally normal. 

I walked out of my office and to the blazer driving to Melvald's so i could spend Joyce's lunch break with her. She has been acting off since the last day of the honeymoon. I figured it was just stress or anxiety because the kids being alone so much and all of the bad things that happen in Hawkins. I didn't want to ask her incase i was just overreacting and nothing was wrong so i was just there for her as best as i can be.

I pulled up to Melvalds with two sandwiches i had made that morning before leaving as Joyce always forgot to make herself lunch. I walked into the store to see her stacking shelves in her own little world ignoring everything around her including the sound of the bell as i walked in. There was no one else in the store so i took the chance to scare her. I walked up behind her and yelled "boo" she turned around and said "jesus Jim you scared me" i laughed "that's kind of the whole point Joy" i said sarcastically "i bought lunch" we walked over to the counter and sat on it.

Joyce's POV.

It was 12:10pm and i was still slightly nauseous from earlier this morning. Would eating make it worse? We were sat on the counter and Hop was eating his sandwich but i was sat almost motionless until he said "joy are you okay your not eating" he looked really concerened so i decided i would show him i was okay i took a bite of the food and placed it back down "see i'm fine i was just day dreaming" another lie. I decided to eat some more but doing this infact made matters worse. 

I felt sick so i covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom in the back. I didn't realise Hop had followed me but he did. "hey Joyce are you okay?" he asked stood outside the door "no not really can you come in here please?" i began to cry but i didn't know why i wasn't upset. Hop walked into the room to see me being sick yet again. He held my hair back "jeez joy your sick huh" then it dawned on me "yeah sick and late"

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