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Hopper's POV.

"late oh shit" i said comforting Joyce. "yeah oh shit" she said holding her hands to her head "do you wanna do a test just incase?" i asked standing up "yeah i guess it's the best idea i'll go grab one and pay for it" she left the room at the back of Melvald's and got back in less than 5 minutes. I walked outside of the bathroom waiting for her to take the test. 

I wanted a baby if it was with Joyce but did she? I hoped she did.

Joyce's POV.

I had just taken the test and allowed Hop back into the room, no one was in the store so it made the whole situation a whole lot easier. Two minutes we had to wait. The longest two minutes of my life. Did Hop want a baby? I did. It had been two minutes now time to turn the test over "ready?" hop asked taking my hand in his "yes" i said breathing heavily and grabbing the test with my shaky hands.

I turned it over it had two lines...positive. I turned the test to Hop so he could get a good view of it. I couldn't help but start crying but these weren't sad tears like most days they were happy. "were having a baby" i said between tears "holy shit" he replied shocked but happy. "how are we gonna tell the kids?" i asked worried of how they would take the news especially Jonathan "dinner tonight?" he asked helping me up off the floor "we can't do tonight El is at Max's" he sighed "okay then tomorrow" He left the store leaving me to my thoughts once again.

-----------------------------------------------DINNER THE NEXT DAY---------------------------------------------------

Eleven's POV. 

Me and Max spent all day yesterday skating and in the arcade away from the boys. We had such a great time as usual because we were the bestest friends. Dad called this morning saying he would pick me up from Max's in time for dinner today because there was an announcment what was it? I told Max about the phone call but she couldn't think of what kind of announcement it would be either. We were completely clueless.

The car ride home with dad was totally silent he looked stressed and nervous but i didn't think anything of it i assumed it was about the announcment or work. Once we arrived home dinner had just been layed out on the table and Joyce, Will and Jonathan were sat at the table. I took my normal seat between Will and Joyce and dad took his at the end of the table next to Joyce. 

We were all eating dinner in the awkward silence until Joyce finally ended it by saying "i'm pregnant" Will looked shocked and happy but Jonathan just sat in silence. "pregnant, what's pregnant?" i asked Joyce confused. She smiled at me and said "it means there's a baby growing in my belly" she lifted her shirt slightly to show her stomach "wow a sister or brother?" i asked continuing to eat dinner "yes El a sibling" dad said taking Joyce's hand. 

Wow this is so cool me and Will were talking about names for a baby and the only person who hadn't reacted was Jonathan. He just sat there rolling his eyes at me and Will. "great another addition to the family" he mumbled under his breath loud enough for only me to hear. He still didn't say anything to Joyce or dad he just sat there "jonathan are you okay?" Joyce asked glancing at her oldest son. 

"no mom i'm not okay i'm sick of the change don't you two think we've been through enough let alone a baby" he raised his voice slightly while saying this. Joyce didn't even respond to him she just started crying. This made me mad really mad like i wanted to yell at him and then i remembered the words Max used against the boys at the wedding. The kind of words Dad used when he was mad. Joyce was still crying i was so angry i hated seeing her that way. And then i started shouting at him.

"hey Jonathan stop acting like a jackass and consider mom's feelings instead of treating her like shit because you don't like the situation" my blood was boiling "El language" dad shouted at me "i don't care dad he's being a total ass" i yelled back "El i just want you to calm down please" he said toning his voice down "how can i be calm right now" i picked up my glass and walked into the kitchen with tears streaming down my face i was so angry. 

I poured water into my glass and walked to mine and Will's room without saying another word. I picked up my walkie-talkie and radioed Max straight away. I told her to meet me on Mirkwood in 10 minutes. I grabbed a small bag, my walkie-talkie, some clothes and my skateboard and left the room. 

Hopper's POV. 

El was pissed, really pissed i don't blame her what Jonathan did was way out of line but she was slightly out of line. Five minutes after El stormed into her room she walked out with her skateboard and a small bag. "hey where are you going?" i asked standing up from my chair. "out i need to clear my head before i blow something up with my head" she said sarcastically "oh no you spend nearly all your time out you can stay home for a few days." i said guarding the door "dad move please" she pleaded with me "No is No el" i wouldn't budge. "fine" she stormed off to hers and Will's room slamming and locking the door with her mind.

Eleven's POV.

Dad wouldn't let me go through the front door but i'm going to leave regardless after all there is a window in my room.First i put the radio on so they would think i was still here, then I placed my bag and skateboard on the floor using my powers and then i jumped out myself. I ran through the woods that way they wouldn't see me through the front windows. I was crying because i was so mad. I could scream right now. Then that moment in the house replayed in my mind and i just screamed. Trees fell to the ground leaving Max staring at me in shock while i was about to fall to the floor. 

"holy shit El are you okay?" she asked helping me gain my balance. I broke down crying whie we were walking "no i'm not Joyce is pregnant and Jonathan was acting like an asshole and so i told him about himself using bad language which dad didn't like.." before i could finish Max interupted with "wait Joyce is having a baby?" i laughed and explained as we walked "yeah she is, i was really mad at Jonathan and then dad shouted at me and i got pissed at him so i was about to leave and meet you but he stood infront of the door so i snuck out of the window" 

Max's jaw dropped "your telling me your dad is the cheif of police but you still managed to sneak out" i laughed at her reaction "yes it was so easy" we walked and talked the rest of the way to Max's.

------------------------------------------------12AM THAT NIGHT/MORNING------------------------------------------

Joyce's POV.

Today has been a total wreck, Jonathan won't leave his room and El won't leave her room and isn't even answering to open the door to let will in. Will was sleeping in Jonathan's room tonight to give El her space. I was sitting watching TV while hopper was sleeping next to me but i couldn't stop thinking about El and if she was okay. Hop had only tried communicating with her by shouting so i decided to check up on her myself. I got up off the couch and walked towards the room.

I knew she was still awake because the radio was still playing in the room. I knocked on the door lightly and said "el can you please answer the door i just want to talk" a few minutes went by with no answer so i decided to open the door myself. She could be really upset and i couldn't bear the thought of that. I took a bobby pin out of my hair and used it to unlock the door, Karen tought me how to do that back in highschool when we were taking cigs and alcohol from my parents cabinets. I opened the door to see the beds were empty and the window was open.

She ran away, i ran over to the window to look out to see if there was any sign of her but there wasn't. I ran down the hall immediatly waaking up Hopper. He looked startled at the sight of tears running down my face "joyce what the hell is going on?" i began crying even more "it's el shes not here" his face turned cold "what do you mean not here?" he asked confused "i mean she ran away out the window" Hop got up grabbed two coats and lead me to the woods to the side of the house and we started to look.

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