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No One's POV. 

Tonight was a night like most others someone in the Byers-Hopper house was having a nightmare. The kids didn't have nightmares after Hopper got back home Joyce was the only one who got them anymore, until tonight...

Hopper's POV. 

Me and Joyce climbed into the bed and drifted off to sleep very quickly. A few hours had passed and i was sleeping swiftly until i saw El being ripped out of my arms by lonnie byers and he started to kill her i turned to see Joyce ripped away from me and lonnie did the exact same thing to her. Why me why does everyone i love get taken away from me. I sat in the closest corner i could find screaming and crying for them to come back i couldn't lose them too. I was breathing heavily and screaming "why me bring them back" then i felt someone shake me but i just stayed in the corner crying.

Joyce's POV.

I woke up to see Hopper curled up into a ball crying and screaming he hadn't had a nightmare in years. "You need to wake him" the voice in the back of my head said. I sat up and moved closer to him "Hop, Hop wake up" i said shaking his body slightly. He wasn't waking up why wasn't he getting up. I kept repeating the same sentence over and over getting louder each time and shaking his body. 

I was just about to give up when i heard a familiar voice say "joy?" i looked over my shoulder to see that Hop was awake. "hop" i said relieved "are you okay what happened?" i gave him a hug as i said this. "me you and El were here and Lonnie ripped you both away from me and killed you infront of my eyes" he said with tears filling his ocean eyes "i thought i'd lost you again" i stared into his eyes and said "you can't get rid of me that easily" i laughed and gave him a kiss. 

Once he had calmed down we both fell to sleep again.

Eleven's POV. 

I woke up at 6:30am to the sunlight shining through Will's bedroom window. I looked over at his desk to see he was already awake. "morning Will" i said groggily "morning El how's your face?" he asked concerned "it feels better today" i said lightly touching where Lonnie had hit me the day before then i remembered last night "will did you hear screaming last night around 3am?" i asked him. "i thought i heard someone screaming but i didn't recognise the scream so i went back to sleep" he said continuing his drawings. "i think it was my dad" i said with the memories from the night prior. "we need to go and check on them then they could have been in trouble" will got up off his chair and we ran to the couch.

"no one's here" will said confused "your moms room" i said remembering what i saw in the void on that night with max. We ran down the hall and i opened the door slowly. We saw them cuddling in Joyce's bed it was so cute. "aww will look" i said thinking Joyce might be my mom one day. "i know they really do love eachother" will said as he closed the door quietly. "hungry?" i asked will as we made our way to the kitchen "yes always eggos?" he asked reaching into the fridge/freezer. He knew me so well we had a great bond like brother and sister. 

I heard footsteps coming from down the hall just as me and will sat down to eat. It was dad. I saw the tear stains on his shirt so i got up to give him a hug. "to what do i owe this pleasure el?" he asked because i only hugged him at night. "because i love you dad" i replied sitting back down next to Will. A few moments later Joyce walked down the hall and walked towards the coffee machine. Her and dad often stared at eachother before they heard me and will erupt into laughter. We both knew they loved eachother they just didn't tell us or anyone.

We all ate breakfast and since it was the christmas holidays no school. "what does everyone want to do today?" Joyce asked clearing up breakfast plates. "board games" me and will shouted in unison "okay they you two go and pick some while we tidy up" Dad said gathering cutlery and glasses. Me and Will ran to his room to collect some games.

Hopper's POV.

Me and Joyce began clearing up breakfast and the kids were picking games to play like a family. I was about to put the juice away in the fridge when i saw a note in Jonathan's handwriting saying 'me and nancy went to stay at hers and were going to illinois for a few days don't worry too much Jonathan x' I handed the note to Joyce and she looked uneasy "hey don't worry about it they're going to be fine" i kissed her and gave her a smile before we realised that there was still dishes to be done

Around ten minutes later the kid came back with the board games and me and Joyce finished the dishes. We all sat down and started playing the first game 'Scrabble' 

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