Wedding Day and Teenage Love Quarrels

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Hopper's POV.

This week had been the best week ever and its only going to get even better. Firstly El dumped Mike's ass earlier this week which meant no excruciating kissing, i was going to drop him as best man but Joyce insisted on keeping him here ugh. And today was mine and Joyce's wedding day. 

Me and all of the best men except Jonathan(he was walking Joyce down the isle) were sat at the kitchen table in the byers house while all of the bridesmaids and Joyce were at the Wheeler's getting ready. I hadn't seen her or El for 2 days i miss them so much but i get to see them today. It was our wedding day. Not me and Diane, not Joyce and Lonnie. Me and Joyce. Jeez i have been waiting for this day since the day i met her but why am i so nervous? We had to go to the church soon to be there before they got there. Me and the boys were ready in our suits and we got in the limo to go to the church.

When we arrived there was no one there but us. Steve had hold of the rings and i had warned him many times to be careful with them but i suppose i trusted him. I mean he's a pretty good babysitter so i'm sure he can watch a few rings. 

Joyce's POV.

Today was the day. Me and Hop are getting married. Me and all the bridesmaids were at the Wheeler house getting ready. Jonathan was here too seen as i asked him to walk me down the isle. The girls were all ready in their dresses Karen and Nancy were just getting me ready. The wheeler girls were experts in hair and makeup i don't know how the do it. 

My hair was curly and in a bun with a few strands on the sides and my bangs covering my forehead. The eye makeup was light and neutral with rose pink lipstick covering my lips. Finally i slipped my dress on and put my heels on, the finishing touch. "ready everyone?" i asked grabbing my flowers off the counter in the kitchen. "yes mom lets go" Jonathan replied taking my arm leading me outside. We all got into the two limos outside Me, Jonathan, El and Nancy in one leaving Karen, Robin and Max in the other.

When we arrived at the church we all stepped out of the car. We all had to get into line to walk down the isle youngest first so Max and El got to walk together, they did as they were told and linked arms. They had become best friends over the past year and i love seeing their friendship grow. Besides they both wanted to look great to show Lucas and Mike what they were missing. 

Next was Nancy and Robin they weren't friends in high school but Robin was Steve's friend and Steve was great to the kids so they became friends. Then finally it was Karen walking alone. She didn't mind it it meant all the attention went to her when she walked in. 

Then me and Jonathan behind. All of the girls had a bouquet of white roses with a coloured ribbon tied on it. The girls in pink had blue ribbon and the girls in blue had pink ribbon. My flowers were a bigger bouquet and they were red and white roses with blue and pink ribbon. It was time the music started playing and the girls began walking in "ready mom?" Jonathan asked snapping me out of my thoughts "yes lets go" i smiled knowing i would finally not be associated with the name Byers. Me and Jonathan walked into the church and i saw him.

Hopper's POV. 

There she was with Jonathan by her side. The dress was stunning, it was a huge ballgown with a corset back and it was strapless. The dress made her look smaller than she was but she looked beautiful. I had the things i loved the most closest to me Joyce, El, Will and Jonathan. Once she had finally got to me the music stopped playing and the service began. 

----------------------------------10 MINUTES LATER---------------------------------------------------------------------

Hopper's POV.

"Joyce Horowitz do you take James Hopper to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "i do" she said with no hesitation. "James Hopper do you take Joyce Horowitz..." i didn't even let him finish before i said "i do". Steve walked over and handed us the rings. I placed hers on her finger as she did the same to me. "you may now kiss the bride" i kissed Joyce and for the first time in a long time i was content. "i love you hop" she said as we walked out of the church "i love you too Joy"

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