Tick Tock Tick Tock

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(Griff's POV)
With a final exhale I stepped out from the darkness of the Forrest just to come face to face with the Ross Sisters.
"Maya better be hiding behind that tree or things are going to get ugly," Zuri pounded her fist against her open palm as I pressed my lips into a straight line.
"Well then I guess things are going to get ugly," I shrugged walking away from the Forrest, the farther we were from there the safer Maya will be.
"Did you just talk back?" Emma spoke up as the group trailed behind me and I moved to sit by the fire pit.
"Where the hell is she Griff," Zuri growled as Xander shoved my shoulder to get me to look at them. My eyes scanned the Forrest discreetly in search for any lurking faces.
"Griff I swear if you don't..." Zuri started as I quickly interfered.
"She's safe," I mumbled still uncomfortable with being out in the open.
"No, Griff, she's safe does not tell us where she is!" Lou cried as I shook my head and walked towards the mess hall.
"Is she with those boys?" Jorge asked as my pace towards the mess hall quickened, knowing this conversation was getting too loud and too descriptive way too fast.
"Are you guy's fighting again,"
"Griff you can't just stick her with some random boys every time you guys fight!"
"Who even are they?! How can you trust them?" The questions were spat out randomly as something bubbled in my chest.
"How do you even know if Maya is safe or not she's with at least 3 other guys, that isn't safe!" Xander cried as I turned around and shoved him.
"Hey watch it! That's my family you're talking about!" I growled the monster inside of me breaking free from the bounds I spent years trying to hold together. I didn't know if what they saw scared them, or they really didn't know what to say; but a loud silence fell over the room causing the light beep from my pocket to disperse into the open air.
"Who are they Griff?" Xander asked as I pushed my way out of the stuffy mess hall, knowing the beep was a retreat signal.
"Do you guys really think I would trust Mia with just anyone? Heck, I barely trust to camp to keep her safe! I'm doing what I need to do to look out for her because no one else does, so leave me be and just know she's okay," I puffed out leaving the dumbfound group of teens standing in the middle of the open are between cabins. With a final glance in between the dark shadows I turned back to the group one last time.
"Try not to go to The Spot as much, or better yet just don't go anywhere alone," I warned them before taking off through the Forrest, not as in fear for my life, knowing the teams were already in place.
Time to keep Mia safe....

Hey, sorry it's been a while😅
So my freshman year in high school is gonna be over in 2 months, or smith like that at least, but for now at least I think I'm doing okay🤷‍♀️
I think for the most part, this book is going to end soon because I'm looking ahead and next year I'm going to be taking  2APs, 2 accelerated courses and 2 seasons of varsity sports as a sophomore (which I'm not sure how normal it is but it's more rare' in my school)
But if you did do something like this, I could really use some advice on how'd it go for you?

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