Why do good things never last?

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"Nothing last forever. Everything is temporary, even your emotions." - unknown

This is the story of a girl,

a fallen angel from the heavens,

Beautiful but broken.

And a boy,

a devil climbing up from hell,

dangerous but sweet.

They were so different,

but so alike at the same time.

They found each other,

and fell in love,

a light in their darkest times.

"MAYA ELIZABETH FELTON!!! IF YOU DONT COME OUT RIGHT NOW I WILL DUMP MY LUNCH ON YOU!!!" Zuri screamed as I slowly got up from my bed.

"You wouldn't dare," I mumbled out the door as Zuri banged the door in reply.

"Don't try me," Zuri growled back as I quickly got changed.

"MAYA!!!! I'M GIVING YOU 20 SECONDS TO COME OUT!" Zuri cried once more as I emerged from the bath room. Quickly but quietly I ran over to my bed to fix it up before climbing out the window.

"5!l" Zuri cried as I opened the window.

"4!" Stepping on her bed to get out the window.

"3!" Halfway though...

"2!" Jumping out the window.

"1!" Shut the window and jump out of sight.

"OKAY THAT'S IT! GET OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW MAY...Maya?" Zuri asked realizing I wasn't in the room. With a small snicker I creeped around the cabin before standing right behind her.

"Tag, you're it!" I cried before taking off in a random direction.

"oh no, not this again!" Zuri cried as she took off after me. Heading towards the center of the field I spotted Griff chatting with the rest of the woodchuck and Grizzly cabin. Taking a glance behind me, I squealed before hiding behind Griff.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's going on?" Griff asked both Zuri and I but still shielding me from Zuri at the same time, thank you Griff!

"Oh come on Griff! It's just a game of tag!" Zuri cried throwing her hands to her sides. Not long after, a wicked smile grew across her face.

"Speaking about tag... You're it!!!" Zuri reached out to tag Griff as the rest of the group made a run for it. Taking off in all different directions, Griff looked around puzzled before taking off in a random direction screaming 'READY OR NOT HERE I COME!!!!!!'


*2 hours later*

After a good two hours of running around, we all rested in the center of the camp, toasting marshmallows while watching the sunset, sorta. Leaning my head on Griff's shoulder, I stared at the cackling fire, allowing it's heat to engulf me into a warm summer hug.

"This is nice," I mumbled as Griff hummed in response. Everyone soon joined in a heated discussion as Griff and I sat back and watched.

"Not to bad huh? We finally got that snippet of normal we've all been waiting for." Griff smiled as I nodded my head.

"Don't jinx it, I still need a little more time with normal before the crazy comes back." I told Griff as he stared at the fire. Soon a comfortable silence fell over our group, all our past stress or worry seemed to lift off our shoulders, but it was too good to be true.

"MAYA! GRIFF!" Voices echoed throughout the camp as Griff and I stood up, recognizing the voices immediately. Just as their voices came, the bunch revealed themselves out from the woods, sweat causing hair to stick to their foreheads and their uneven panting sounded like a pack of dehydrated dogs.

"Mason? Brandon? Kyle? Michel? What are you guys doing here's?" Griff and I asked somewhat in sync. Kyle seemed to get over his pant before his next words sent chills down my spine.

"Your father, he escaped, and he's coming for revenge,"

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