Protection squad

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"You've got to do whatever it takes to protect the ones you love," - unknown

Maya's POV
"Okay!" Brandon cried as the room full of eager boys finally started to pipe down. Stepping up on a stool, Mason and his big, 'scary' aroma caused to room to go silent.
"Listen up boys! One of our own is being threatened by a dangerous man! I want on the ground boys surrounding Maya at all times and 20 boys to take up sniper squad and lookout. On ground boys must cluster while sniper squad are in pairs of 2." Mason directed like a drill sergeants as I could see why he was the main boss.
"Now remember, the guy whose threatening our Maya is a mentally unstable man whose most likely armed and is in high position with the government," Mason continued as a low chatter emerged from the boys.
"So during a threat, find a way to stop him without him seeing you, or kill him. If you fire wrong and you injure him, he reports back to me" Mason concluded a before stepping down from his high makeshift podium. Walking over to me, he lightly grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.
"Maya, I've set up the best protection I can provide for you at the moment, but these boys aren't pros yet. So until I can get some more protection, it would be best to stay here,"  Mason tried to I shook my head.
"No, thank you for...all this, but it's too much," I cried waving my hands around trying to avoid the determine glances of the boys surrounding me. "My father is capable of many things, if he even senses that someone knows about what he does to me; he's going to hurt that person and every connection they've got. It's too big of a risk," I finished getting out of Mason's grasp only to be captured into Griff's awaiting arms.
"It's too big of a risk to let you go out there without protection. Maya, look around, you don't have to go through this alone, damn it! We're your family, please let us help," Griff begged trying to put up a strong front, but the tremble in his arms gave away his panic. All it took was a small nod for the room to once again return to its hustling state. Placing a small kiss on my forehead, Griff lead me astray to one of the many doors in the never been before hallway.

"Sorry it isn't the best looking room but.." Griff started opening a door to a worn in room. At the moment the walls were a light grey, however they were clearly painted over a faded baby blue. Though the room was lacking any clothes there of, toys and books were placed into uneven piles and boxes, some neatly packed away while others were ripped opened by the seems.

"Griff.." I drowned tracing my finger along the carving of initials on the end of the dresser.

"Yeah, this is my room," Griff smiled leaning against the doorframe, "You like it?" He smirked as I turned around to give him a cheeky smile.

"Better than where I grew up," I shrugged plopping myself onto the weirdly comfortable rug in the middle of the room. Griff's eyes softened a little but i shook my head to tell him to forget about it. With some final unspoken words, Griff turned his heel and started to disappear down the hallway.

"Griff! Where are you going?!" I called from the doorframe as Griff started to was backwards.

"Back to camp! Who else is going to come up with an elaborate excuse on why you disappeared again?!"Griff smiled as I shook my head.

"Be safe!" I let out a final call watching as his figure slowly get consumed by the darkness.

"I love you you dork," I whispered before shutting the door.


I don't know who actually reads these but imma just talk anyways
you know what high school doesn't seem too bad. Srry I just really wanna put that there so me in 6 months can come and straight up curse me now(or back then) 

But yeah, I dont think its gonna last long, but, yayy high school?😂

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