Before the Sun Rises

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(Maya's POV)

"And done!" Brandon cried as he turned off the machine and so checked my watch, 1:25.

"How is it? I've never done this before," Brandon asked storing the ink away as I glanced down at my wrist. A dirty yellow crown hovered above a slightly dark red rose, dark green vines swirled around the rose an the crown, the colors not to bright it seemed fake but yet not to dark it seemed black. It was basically the one all the boys had with a touch of color and feminine added into it.

"It's amazing Brandon," I smiled as Brandon opened the door revealing several of the boys scattered around the room, blankets and pillows everywhere, staring intensely at the TV. As if an alarm went off in his brain, Griff's eyes darted away from the TV and over to me, his grin grew wide as he jumped up from his spot and pulled me into an embrace.

"You like?" I asked showing him my wrist as he linked the hand with his tattoo with mine smiling.

"Perfect," Griff told me as a silly grin placed itself on my face. A light rhythm of feet became louder as yet another hidden door pushed open revealing little Michel rubbing his eyes.

"Hey buddy," I smiled kneeling down to his height as he ran into my open arms

"Are you one of us now?" Michel asked softly, sounding as if he was half-asleep.

"i'm one of you now," I told him as I felt him smile causing me to smile too.

" I think you should go back to bed," I told him as a yawn erupted from his mouth.

"Ok," I paused a bit to rub his eyes, "Will you come back?" He asked with a pout that I couldn't resist.

"Definitely ," I smiled as Michel's eyes lit up.

"Yay! Goodnight May," Michel chanted giving me one last hug.

"Goodnight Michel," I smiled placing a light peck on his forehead before he disappeared into the other room, closing the heavy door behind him.

"You ready to go?" Griff asked as I took one last glance as the boys who were practically half sleeping before nodding my head.

"Goodnight guys!" I called out as they waved back in response and Griff took my hand and we walked out into the early morning. After a couple minutes, I felt completely lost.

"Wait! Griff! Isn't camp the other way?" I asked as Griff only grinned back.

"There's one more thing I have to do," he told me before we entered a small square, practically packed with people. Finding 'the perfect spot' according to Griff, he set his guitar case on the ground before almost immediately singing and people automatically started crowding up tossing money into the open suitcase and receiving a grin from Griff. I stood in awe, clapping when each song ended.

"Thank you!" Griff called as he finished playing and people started to head their own way.

"That was amazing Griff!" I cheered as I pulled in into a hug.

"Thanks," Griff smiles before kneeling down, grabbing the money and putting his guitar back in.

"What time is it?" Griff wondered as I glanced at my watch. 2:23.

"2:23," I replied as Griff zipped up his guitar case.

"Come on! This way!" Griff smiled as we ran throughout the square 'window shopping' before finally settling down at a small cafe.

"84 dollars!" Griff cheered as I took the final sip on my hot chocolate.

"Congrats!" I smiled before calling over a waiter who handed over the check.

"Hey give me that!" Griff reached out and snatched it from my hands.

"Stop it Griff! You earned that money," I cried trying to grab the check but Griff quickly gave the money to the waiters waiting hands.

"Yeah, it's MY money, which means I have the rights to spend it," Griff smiles as I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, But next time, I'm paying," I smiled as it was Griff's turn to roll his eyes. Taking my hand, we slowly walked out the square when something caught my eye.

"Griff! Look!" I cried as I pointed over to the baby blue toy shop, a floppy, stuffed golden retriever toy perched on display, it's black beady eyes shines as if it was real.

"Michel would love that," I smiled as I pulled Griff into the store with me. Though he didn't say anything, I could feel his grin burning the back of my head. I quickly paid despite Griff's remarks before happily walking out of the store and back to camp in a comfortable silence.

"What?" I asked as I was the 5th time I turned around to find Griff staring at me with a huge grin. We were already in the camp, Griff's guitar case back behind the cluster of trash cans and the baby blue bag that carried Michel's new toy in Griff's hand.

"Nothing," Griff smiled the sun's glow hitting our faces.

"What is it Griff?" I whined bumping into him playfully as we both let out a laugh.

"This," Griff replied holding up our hands to show our tattoos intertwined with each other, though mine was still slightly red.

"What about it?" I asked as we made our way out of the forrest and Griff slightly lead me over to my cabin.

"It's just, 2 weeks ago I would of never of told anyone about the forgotten ones, not even my wife if i have one when I get older, but yet, here I am. Holding your hand, the same mark on your wrist too," Griff smiled as I was left speechless, so I did the only thing that could explain what I was feeling, I kissed him.

"Am I dreaming or was I the first one to ever witness THE Griff Jones and THE Maya Felton kiss?" I sleepy voice asked as we quickly broke apart to find Zuri standing at the doorway rubbing her eyes.

"You're dreaming Zuri, it's too early for you to be up yet" Griff stated quickly as Zuri let out a yawn.

"Sounds about right," Zuri mumbled before zombie walking back into the cabin and Griff and I let out a sigh.

"I guess that means it's time to head back," Griff smiled as I just gave a nod.

"Same time?" I asked as Griff nodded his head.

"see you tonight," Griff smiled planting a light kiss only cheek before handing me the baby blue bag and disappearing in the morning mist.

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