A Midnight meet up

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(Mya's POV)

Me and Zuri talked for hours. Finally night came along and talked until Crazel-Nut came in. I wore my and slipped into bed which was very hard by the way considering our beds were stacked on top of each other! Finally when everyone was asleep I picked up my phone and a knife and headed out the door. I ran all the way to the woods and sat down on the car at "The Spot". Then I face time my father.

"I was waiting for you for over an hour! where were you!!!" My dad yelled.

"Sorry sir, they wouldn't go to sleep," I mumbled.

"you're lucky I wasn't there or else that knife will already have blood on it!!!" Dad continued yelling, "Now are you going to do it by yourself or do I have to help you?!"

"I'll do it," I whispered not needing anymore insults form my father. I grabbed the knife and made a line straight across my forearm.

"Good, Beautiful! now go to sleep before people realize that you're gone!" And with that very word, he ended the call.

(Griff's POV)

I was walking thought the woods when I heard someone yell. I ran towards the voice only to see Mya facetime someone. I crouch behind a bush and listened.

"Sorry sir, they wouldn't go to sleep," Mya mumbled.

"you're lucky I wasn't there or else that knife will already have blood on it!!!" The man on the phone continued yelling, "Now are you going to do it by yourself or do I have to help you?!"

"I'll do it," She whispered then she grabbed the knife and made a line straight across her forearm. I had to bit my tough to keep quiet. Why is she hurting herself?! Who's the man on the phone?!

"Good, Beautiful! now go to sleep before people realize that you're gone!" And the man ended the call. Mya took a deep breath and started walking towards my direction. "Oh no! She's going to see me!" I waited for her to blink and I took off towards camp. I laid down on the grass near Woodchuck cabin.

"Griff?" I heard Mya ask halting to a stop. She wasn't holding the knife so she must of left it at "The Spot".

"Hey Mia!" I called out. She had a frown on her face.

"My name is Mya, not Mia," She replied.

"I know," I replied.

"Then why do you call me Mia?"

"I wanted to call you something different from what everyone calls you."

"Only one other person had called me Mia." She said turning sad. I could see it.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She put on a fake smile.

"Nothing! I'm perfectly fine," She replied with fake happiness, her voice sounded like she wasn't only trying to convince me, she was trying to convince herself too.

"I know you're not, I can tell," I replied. She looked surprised.

"I..i have to go," She mumbled standing up to go inside.

"Mia," I reached out to grab her hand, i felt sparks fly up my arm. Apparently, she felt it too. She stepped closer so she was in the brightness of the moon again.

"Mia, if something's wrong you can tell me you know," I took a step closer to her. I looked into her eyes, they were a beautiful shocking blue. From afar you might think they were full of happiness and Joy. But if you look closer, all you can see is pain,fear and sadness. She was shorter than me but not that short. She was beautiful. If only she could see what I could see.

"I..i'm sorry, not yet. I'm not ready," She replied sadness filling her voice. tears glisten her eyes, "When I'm ready, I'll tell you, I promise." She looked up at me.

"Ok, I'll be here, anytime you need me," I replied leaning in a bit. She started leaning in a bit to until...

"MYA FELTON!!!" was called out by Zuri.

"I'm so sorry I have to go," She said and disappeared into the cabin.

(Mya's POV)

"I'm here Zuri! Now be quiet before you wake up Crazel-Nut!" I whispered back closing the door carefully .

"Where were you?" Emma asked rubbing her eyes.

"Out,"I replied back.

"With who?" Zuri asked wiggling her eyebrows. I elbowed her in the ribs.

"By myself," I said blushing. Zuri snort.

"Ok i'm so confused right now," Emma said.

"Don't worry i'll fill you in later with the details," Zuri whispered to Emma.

"Emma, nothing happened!" I cried.

"*Cough* Lie *Cough*"Zuri fakes cough. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine! I tell you in the morning! Now let me sleep!" I told Zuri and Emma. Zuri squealed and Emma still look utterly confused.

"This better make sense tomorrow," Emma mumbled before going to sleep.

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