Trouble Brewing

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(Maya's POV)

"What the heck?" I asked my voice slightly cracking staring at the unknown number.

Here's your Bae! With another chick! Haha sucks to be you!!!

Picture after picture, I felt my throat dry up as I tried to hold back a choke of cries. I felt Liam chin gaze my shoulder as he looked at my phone.

"Hey, isn't that Griff?" Liam asked curiously as I cupped my hand over my mouth, "Who's the girl?" he continued furrowing his eyebrows.

"It's Zuri, her best friend," Brandon answered for me as I let out a squeak. Pictures of them hugging, playing even some where Griff is kissing Zuri on her forehead!

"It's could be photoshop," Brandon told me as Liam rested a hand on my shoulder.

"But, even if it was photoshopped it, the images must of came from somewhere," Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he scrolled through the phone before putting it face down with a sigh. The room was silent besides my heavy breathing, until the phone buzzed once more. I see from the corner of my eye, Liam reach to take the phone and let out a sigh.

"What is it?" I whispered as Liam gave and uneasy face.

"Please, I need to know," I whispered again as Liam gently placed the phone in my hand with a frown.

Forgot one! Guess someone took your Bae! The text itself haunted me and Liam pulled me into a side hug for support, but I could never prepare myself for what came next.

A picture of Griff and Zuri looking deep into each other eyes.

(Griff's POV)

"It should be coming any minute..." Zuri mumbled annoyed.

"Why am I here again?" I grumbled shoving my hands into my pockets as Zuri checked her phone again.

"Because! It's a big load and I can't carry it all by myself!" Zuri exclaimed as her phone let out a notification.

"Finally! Where are they?" I groaned as Zuri shook her head as if she thought she was hallucinating.

"They're not here yet," she told me, her voice sounding as if she was far away, "Griff, you should see this," Zuri continued practically whispering. Taking the phone from my hand, the picture showed a sight I have never hope to see.

Maya cuddled up, sleeping in the arms of another boy.

(Maya's POV)

"Maya wake up!" a voice screeched in my ear as I shot up my eyes wide to find Harry howling on the floor.

"Not cool Harry," I grumbled as I carefully woke Brandon and Liam.

"You will be arriving at your destination on 5 minutes," The over com spoke as everyone got ready to leave; brushing off their outfit and fixing their hair.

"Hey Maya, you ok?" Liam asked looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Not exactly, but I'll be fine," I smiled weakly as Liam pulled me into a brotherly hug. The train slowly came to a stop as we all stood by the automatic doors, eggar to get out of the box we had been traveling in. The train let out a puff of steam before the doors sliding open and we all clambered out.

"Maya, welcome to Los Angeles, California!" Brandon, Liam and Harry all exclaimed at the same time as they threw their hands up into the air dramatically. Though we were still underground, you could feel the heat leaking through the brick walls.

"It's hot!" I cried fanning my face as the boys let out a chuckle. ushering me over, we continued through the confined space as the sound of music slowly started to fill our ears. When it was almost pitch black and the music is louder than ever, Brandon slowly pushed against the wall revealing a room with around 45 boys hanging out.

"Hey yo Mason!" Brandon waved over to a guy up on the stage laughing with 5 other boys.

"What's up Brandon!" Mason walked up to us before giving him a bro hug.

"Hey Liam, Henry," Mason continued giving a wave when his eyes darted towards me and the smile on his face faded faster than you could say hi. The whole room grew silent as tension filled the air.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" He growled as I took a small step behind Liam since he was the closest.

"Mason! Hold up a second! Before you jump to any conclusions..." Brandon put a hand on Mason's chest to calm him down.

"Why are you guys being so protective of her?! She's a girl! And not our type..." Mason looked at me up and down as I crossed my arms over my chest insecurely and Liam let out a growl.

"She's one of us," Liam said back as if it was the most usual thing in the world. But even I knew it wasn't.

"What do you mean she's one of us?" Mason growled each syllable escaping his teeth as he stepped closer to us with each word.

"He means you treat me like how you would treat anyone else in this room," I answer a sudden confidence rushing through me.

"Ha! And what give you the right?" Mason spat in my face.

"The fact that I've probably faced the same or twice the amount of trauma any one of you guys have faced," I replied back fiercely.

"Liar. Nobody rejects a girl," Mason laughs as I smirk.

"But yet, you just did," I said in a 'I-told-you-so' voice.

"Don't get all smarty on me missy! I run this! Girls don't belong here!" Mason started to yell, I could feel all the boy's gaze on me as she shifted their weight between their feet.

"Fine! Kick me out. But I still have this mark, permanently placed on my skin. I know every, single, little alleyway you boys run off and hide into. But last of all, because I'm a girl, I can make the whole world believe me in 5 minutes. So go ahead, kick me out. I. Dare. You. Too." I told Mason as I stepped closer to him until we were face to face and I could whisper my deadly threats into his ear.

"You son of a...." Mason started as I couldn't take it no more.

I slapped the Gang leader.

Straight across the face.

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