Just Another Day

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(Maya's POV)

"WAKE UP!" I screamed before jumping on Zuri's bed before she sat up groggily and rubbed her eyes.

"Wait, weren't you wearing another outfit?" motioning to the one I had on, a Camo long sleeve shirt/sweatshirt and jean shorts. Ok, quick backtrack. After Griff left I quickly went into the cabin, messed up my bed as if i had been sleeping in it, tucked Michel's gift to the very bottom of the trunk and got ready. Which is pretty impressive considering that I did it all under 8 minutes.

"Nope!" I stated too quickly but Zuri was too sleepy to notice. After everyone was up and ready we walked down to the mess hall meeting up the the Grizzly cabin.

"Are you sure? Cause I could swear I wasn't dreaming," Zuri stated as we sat down at the table holding a fruit cup since nothing else seemed, um whats the word?...edible.

"I'm 100% sure Zuri, I was sleeping till you woke me up by closing the door," I replied as Griff plopped down next to me.

"What are you two talking about?" Griff entered our conversation sticking a piece watermelon in his mouth.

"Did you kiss Maya this morning?" Zuri asked Griff as he gave me a kiss on the cheek cheek before nodding his head.

"I meant on the lips," Zuri said in a 'duh' voice as Griff shook his head.

"Ok... so what did you two do last night?" Zuri asked again clearly unconvinced as I put my hands under the table and subconsciously pulled on one of my sleeves, making sure my tattoo was covered fully.

"Umm, sleep?" Griff replied in his 'duh' voice as Zuri rolled her eyes.

"Fine! Maya, where were you at 12 to 1 in the morning?" Zuri asked with a smirk as the events of last night rushed though my head. I got a tattoo, I met the forgotten ones, I joined their 'pact', I spent the night with Griff at the square...

"Midnight jog with Griff," I shrugged as if it was nothing and Griff nodded along.

"Why?" Zuri asked again raising an eyebrow.

"Couldn't sleep," Griff replied as Zuri rolled her eyes.

"Give it up Zuri, you aren't going to get it out of them," Emma sighed tired of her sisters questioning attitude. Zuri soon engaged into a conversation with Tiffany about studying during summer vacation.

"Good choice," Griff whispered as he linked his hand with mine under the table, "I suggest where long sleeve for a few more days, so it won't be that red," Griff continued ushering to my wrist, the tattoo slightly peaking out, the redness sticking out on my skin. Finishing up breakfast, everyone stood up and walked outside and just enjoyed the sun while we can.

"So, movie night?" Zuri asked everyone in general as they all shrugged or nodded their heads.

"Can't, sorry Zuri," Griff and I said at the same time as Zuri raised her eyebrow.

"What's going on tonight? Another midnight run?" Zuri asked yet again with a smirk as I slightly leaned towards Griff, my mind in a jumble mess, unable to come up with a lie.

"Nah, not tonight Zuri. Remember the man you got arrested a few weeks ago? Yeah, he demands to see Maya tonight so I'm taking her up to the state jail," Griff shurgged as I looked down as if it was a sensitive subject for me.

"Oh the mad dude? Good luck, " Zuri said with disgust as I nodded in return, wait till she finds out he's my father.

"Okay campers! Come and get your phones!" Hazel called out before scurrying away was the campers fought like animals to get their phones, including Emma and Zuri. Finally when the crowd died down I walked over to get my phone and plopped down next to Griff, scrolling though random stuff on Instagram with Griff resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Where's your phone Griff?" Xander asked looking up from his phone.

"Don't have one," Griff shrugged as no one dared to say a word. Nobody realized how silent camp was, everyone was too engaged with their phones. Griff wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest as we both just started at the screen just like everyone else in camp. A faint click as heard as Griff and I snapped our heads to find Zuri busy typing way and a buzz signaled me someone has posted something. Refreshing my page, on the very top was a picture of me and Griff in our current position with the caption My OTP <3.

"ZURI!" I cried as she stuck her tongue out at me playfully.

"I like it, save it," Griff whispered as his fiddled with my phone eventually saving the picture to my photos. Before anyone realized, the sun was setting and phones were being taken away. luckily, Zuri told everyone where we were 'going', so Griff and I snuck out of camp before running through the woods hand by hand, once again.

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