Luke Out!

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(Maya's POV)

"Luke, Griff is my boyfriend," I told the older boy holding on to Griff's arm. Luke's face seemed to flash multiple different emotions when all of the sudden he started laughing.

"Oh god Maya! you almost got me!" Luke laughed and howled and I felt Griff inch in front of me afriad that Luke was going crazy.

"I'm serious Luke," I told him with no emotion. The boy managed to stop laughing for a bit, enough time to look around and see that everyone had their eyes locked dead on Luke. When Luke realized nobody showed sign that this was a joke, Luke turned towards Griff with anger in his eyes. Grabbing Griff by the collar he bunched his other hand into a fist.

"Who are you and what did you do?" Luke growled as Griff seemed comparatively calm for someone his his position right now.

"Well I told you, I'm Griff and i'm not quite sure what I did," Griff smirked ticking off Luke.

"She was mine! I had her in my grasp! You took her away from me! What did you do?!" Luke practically yelled his arms shaking from gripping so hard, but yet, Griff still looked at ease.

"Ok one, I didn't do nothing! And two, Mya is not a an object, she's a human being, so start treating her like one!" Griff told Luke causing him to pull Griff closer to him.

"You don't know how much I want to punch you in the face right now.." Luke started only to be cut off by Griff.

"Believe me, the feeling mutual. So go ahead and punch me! The only person you'll be hurting is Mya!" Griff told Luke who practically had smoke coming out of his ears and mouth. Before anyone could react Luke's fist connected with Griff's face as a loud crack was heard and I let out a gasp. Griff slowly turned his head back to face Luke.

"Not bad, but incase you forgot, I've dealt with cops 4 times your size so it's going to take a bit more strength to actually hurt me," Griff smirked. Not wanting to see anyone hurt I pushed my way to the two boys. I was trying to pull them apart when Luke used his other hand to push me to the ground.

"Ok hurting me is one thing, hurting Mya, hell with pay a visit," Griff said darkly before kneeing luke where the sun doesn't shine.

"Bring it on 'bad boy' I'm a black belt in karate," Luke said circling Griff.

"Yeah, and I've escaped juvenile 12 times," Griff scoffed before grabbing Luke by the collar.

"Not so fun now is it?" Griff smirked putting Luke in the same position.

"Stop it!" I yelled at the two. I could see Griff's hard look soften as he let Luke go and stepped away. As Griff walked over to me Like let out a horrifying laugh. The next second, Griff was on the ground and a flash of silver sliced Griff's stomach.

"Now that's never happen to you has it?" Luke asked Griff with a smirk.

"Griff! Are you ok?" I asked him putting pressure on his wound. His eyes grew wide as plates.

"Watch out!" I heard Zuri yell as Griff used the last of his energy to move the both of us away just as the knife was stuck to the ground right where we were. as soon as it was safe, Xander quickly picked up Griff while Emma and Lou held Luke back.

"What's wrong with you Luke?" I screamed before quickly running after Xander.

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