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(Maya's POV)

"For the love of God! Can someone PLEASE take out the trash!" Brandon yelled to the bustling common area as boys scattered around as they hurried to tidy up the common area for Mason's arrival. it has been a couple weeks since Griff placed me under "lockdown" and thankfully it's been quiet. There were some 'dad sightings' at first but those died down quickly and have, thankfully, yet to resurface. Griff and I saw the Rosses off as summer came to an end and we have we're all scheduled to start school in a week. Thus calling for Mason's yearly visit to every institute to make sure every kid is enrolled into school. 

"I GOT IT!" I yelled back seizing  every opportunity I can to be outside. 

"Maya wait up!" Griff called racing to catch up to me as I headed for the entrance. 

"I'll be fine Griff! No one has seen my dad in weeks! And besides, it's just trash, you can still see me from the front door," I reassured Mr. Paranoid, or I tried to at least.

"You of all people should know that's not always a good thing," Griff replied sternly catching my arm. We try our best to ignore it but my dad's appearance changed Griff more than anyone, even me. And while he still has his boyish charm physically, these last couple weeks have really taken a toll on him.

"Fine. You can watch me from the door, BUT I'm going out alone. Please, I need this, I hate being cooped up in one place." Griff gave me a stern stare but eventually let up and nodded towards the door. I placed a light kiss on his cheek before hopping feeling weirdly safe under Griff's hard gaze. I threw open the door inhaling the fresh air, well as fresh as it could get from an alleyway. My trip to the trash cans was rather slow, looking back to see Griff as he stood by the door with crossed arms but a smile dancing on his lips. I watched Michael come running up from behind holding a broken toy with outstretched arms and watering eyes, causing Griff's gaze to fall of me for a split second. 

It all happened so fast. 

A strong hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me away, a cloth placed over my face before I even had a chance to react. I tried to hold my breath, kicking and scratching everything within reach, but the grip on me would not budge. Before I knew it, I was engulfed by a sea of people hearing the final words: "I'm going to make you wish you were dead" by a haunting voice I knew all too well before I succumb into darkness.

(Griff's POV) 

I watched Maya slowly make her way to the dumpster , her playful attitude never failing to make me smile. Still, everything in me wanted to pull her back into my arms. But I crossed my arms to refrain myself knowing there were technically no threats around and precautions set up regardless. We all had her back, it was foolproof, or so I thought. 

"Griff! Griff!" A voice behind me cried, the alarm in the voice triggering my instincts as I shifted my attention preparing for the worse, but letting out a sigh of relief as I saw Michael running up holding his big problem in his hands. 

"Isaac stepped on my toy and broke it!" Michael cried showing me his truck out, water threatening to spill out of his big eyes.

"It's okay Mich, I'm sure we can fix it, how about we go ask Maya and..." I turned around expecting to see Maya rushing back to comfort Michael, only to find an abandoned trash can in her place. Shivers erupted through my body as panic started to rise. 

"Michael go sound the alarms!" I yelled before taking off down the twisted alleyways as guilt started to eat away at me. I followed the tail of the occasional clang of things falling over, channeling everything I could to catch up to her.

"MAYA!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I approached the busy streets, catching a glimpse of her hair disappearing into the crowd. My whole body burned as I tried to fight my way through the crowds, only to get pushed back like in a wave, watching Maya's glistening hair disappear into the crowd. I collapsed to the ground fighting tears, doubling over as guilt pressed against my chest, making it hard to breath. 

And just in the matter of minutes, I had lost her.

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