The Forgotten Ones

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(Maya's POV)

"Hey," a faint whisper overlapped the loud summer crickets in the night. Snapping my head to the side, my eyes instantly connected with warm chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey," I whispered back as I stood up from the wooden chair and carefully walked down the crooked steps avoiding all the loose planks of wood. Hopping down to the uneven grass floor, Griff's hand took mine not allowing me to fall.

"You ready to go?" Griff asked as I took a quick glance at my watch, 11:05, campers wake up at 6.

"Let's do this," I smiled at Griff took my hand and we ran through the dark, hand by hand. The cool summer breeze brushed the hair out of my face as Griff and I flew through the forrest, determined to make it out of camp.

"Were here!" Griff cheered after running for what seemed like forever. 11:59. Griff reached behind a cluster of trash cans and pulled out a guitar case.

"Is that yours?" I wondered a billion more questions running though my head. Griff nodded his head proudly.

"Yeah, it's one of the few things I haven't stole," Griff grinned before turning around and knocking on a brick.

"How?" I wondered as a section of bricks swung open and Griff took my hand and entered the dark room.

"The forgotten ones," Griff shrugged walking forward as the door behind us slammed shut, leaving us in complete darkness.

"Who?" I asked slightly scared as Griff came to a stop.

"Us," an echo of voices ringed throughout the room and light filled the area, revealing a large group of boys of all ages scattered around the room as I stepped behind Griff slightly in fright.

"It's fine Mia, they won't hurt you," Griff smiled as the boys stared at me in confusion.

"Why'd you bring her here?" A boy jumped down from his spot from the wall, his arm covered in tattoos.

"Brandon, this is Maya, Maya, Brandon," Griff started as Brandon only glared in my direction.

"What's her story?" Brandon asked crossing his arms, his youth showing though his eyes, he couldn't be older than 20.

"Her mom died, and her dad's on jail," Griff answered for me as the Brandon let out a scoff.

"At least she knows where her father is," He sneered as Griff opened his mouth but I cut him off.

"I don't want to see my father ever again," I stated narrowing my eyes as Brandon as his widened in shock. I looked around the boys in the room, but many of their eyes showed doubt.

"Show them," Griff whispered as I carefully lifted my shirt, bruises and cuts covered my body like a second skin many still fresh as the day I got them. The boys gasped in shock as they all jumped back a bit. Letting my shirt drop, Brandon ushered Griff into another room leaving me in the middle of all the boys. A small tug on my shirt made me look down to see a 3 or 4 year old boy, his hair and body covered in dirt, clutching a piece of ragged cloth like a toy. He raised his hands as if he wanted me to carry him. Picking him up he rested his head on my shoulder his eyes getting droopy. I slowly rocked the small boy back and forward stroking the boy's hair until his light snores filled the room. another boy came and took him to bed as they all looked at me in shock.

"What?" I wondered as they all stood their mouths open.

"That's Michel, he hasn't slept in days, not without a fight at least," A boy around the age 16 mumbled as he ran his fingers through his tangled hair. Just then, the door opened and out stepped Brandon and Griff confused on everyone's shocked faces.

"What happened?" Brandon asked his voice bouncing off the room.

"she put Michel to sleep," The boys chanted together as Griff gave me a big smile.

"So..." Griff asked dragging the O as Brandon let out a sigh.

"She's in," He said as the boys let out a cheer and Griff pulled me into a hug.

"Wait! One question!" I called out as the boy's chatter immediately stopped, "what exactly is this?" I asked as Brandon smiled.

"We're the Forgotten Ones. Boys without a family. We take in abandon boys and nurture them, give them a home, try out best to provide them their needs, well until they're having their own lives. There are over a thousand of us all over America, we have bases in every city so this is only a very small part of us." Brandon told me as I gave a nod.

"Boys?" I asked as Griff nodded.

"You're the first girl we've ever taken in, you'll be surprised how little girls go though your siduation, and the majority of them get adopted or placed into orphanage homes."Griff answered for Brandon.

"So, there are thousands of you, but how do you know if they are or not?" I wondered once more as a sly smile appeared on all of their faces.

"Show her," Brandon smirked as all the boys shifted their clothes revealing a small tattoo of a black crown with a skull under it, a silver arrow sorta weaving it together. They were everywhere, some on the wrist, on the shoulder, ankle, some on the back, on th chest, some even had some in for than one place! I carefully walked over to Griff who had one hand out stretched, another pulling down on the collar of his T-Shirt revealing the one on is chest. I carefully traced over the one on his wrist, following each line as I felt the boys gaze on me.

"You don't have to get one right..." Griff whispered to me as I quickly cut him off.

"I'll do it," I told the boys specifically as happiness shines in all of the boy's eyes.

" we've actually made one while you were talking," Brandon told me motioning over to a boy who flipped his drawing pad over revealing his design.

"It's incredible!" I smiled as the boy grin grew wide reaching his eyes, he was probably around age 8.

"This way," Brandon motioned me to a room making me wonder how big this place is.

"How long do you have?" Brandon asked Griff went to cradle one of the younger boys to sleep.

"Till 5," Griff answered softly as Brandon nodded and got me ready.

"Where do you want it?" Brandon asked as he sat down preparing the ink.

"My wrist," I answered as Brandon nodded and turned on the machine.

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