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Thank you so much for 100 votesssss!!!!!

I know it's been forever since I've updated and too be honest I have no idea where I'm going with this book, so for now, expect like maybe 10 more chapters and I will start editing this book!

But anywayssss, I was talking with some friends at school and they said I should do a Griff backstory because it's a little confusing so here it is! It will also not really match up exactly with Griff's confession in earlier chapters but this is what I'm going with.

Also, the pic is Reid Jones, Griff's father, he might be important later in the rewritten version of this story(i'm still deciding...)

(Griff's POV)

3 years old...

"He is NOT my child!" Father screamed at Momma, again. They always do this, father said it's normal, but I don't think so..

"Yes he is, Roland! Can't you see!" Momma ushered over to my direction as I continued to play with my new train set, pretending I couldn't hear their screaming.

"He looks nothing like me!" Father's scream made my trains rumble.

"Well he looks like me, do you have a problem with that?" Momma hissed at father as I made a 'choo choo' sound, that probably made father even more angry though...

"Enough! I want the truth!" Father yelled as I shook my head, this is normal, right?

"I'm telling you the truth!" Momma screamed back as I looked up, shocked, momma never screams.

"I want a DNA test, now!" Father growled reaching for his coat when momma grabbed his arm. I don't know what a DNA test is, but it made Momma scared, and Momma never gets scared...

"Griff..." Momma started as I looked up, hearing my name, "h..he was switched at birth..." Momma choked as I stopped pushing my train around.

"AND YOU KNEW THIS WHOLE TIME!" Father raged, his face burned up and he looked as if smoke coming out of his ears, almost like the smoke from the train engine, momma just shook her head.

"Our son...d..died at birth..a..a..and Griff's parents weren't ready for a child so I took him as our own..." Momma stuttered before rapidly speaking.

"So this whole time, I've been caring for someone else's child?!" Father calmed down, only a bit.

"Yes," Momma said more confidently, probably cause she thought Father wouldn't do anything, she was very wrong. Father didn't make a sound when he did it, he just grabbed by arm and threw me out of my house, despite of Momma's screams. My father kicked me out of my home when I was 3 years old.

5 years old...

(Reid Jones(Griff's father) POV)

"It's late, Brandon, go to bed," I groaned at the 10-year-old boy trailing me like a shadow. Through the pale moonlight shining though cracks in the dark alleyway, I could see the boy's bottom lip start to quiver and I almost caved in. Without a second word, Brandon spinned 180 before marching off, probably didn't want me to see his tears. With a sigh, I continued on with my tracks when...

"REID! OVER HERE!" A voice shouted as I quickly darted towards the sound of the voice without a second doubt, almost as if an instinct.

"Brandon!" I cried slightly worried, if something happened to the boy...

"Reid!" he called back as I quickly darted to my left to find Brandon turn the corner. Shaking my head, I turned the corner to find Brandon staring at a small boy with wide eyes. He held a crumpled up plastic cup in his small hands placing it in our direction. The boy was wearing tattered clothes, in the middle of winter! Dirt covered his body as he tried to cover his shivering. Without thinking, I took off my jacket and placed it around the boy.

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