That Phone Call

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(Griff POV)

Maya's been gone for a week. A WHOLE WEEK! The last time I checked, PARTIES DON'T LAST A WHOLE WEEK!

"Griff? Griff! Griff snap out of it!" Was the last thing I heard before falling off the bench.

"Oww, Zuri!" I whined at Zuri who had a glare on her face.

"Stop daydreaming! This is serious! Maya disappeared and we don't know where she is!" Zuri cried throwing her hands up in the air.

"She can be off hanging out with that 'other' guy for all I care," I mumbled as just that very thought broke my heart.

"But you do care, Griff, knowing you she could be married and a thousand miles away and you would still check in on her every single day just to make sure her life is going perfect, am I right?" Zuri replied in a don't-tell-me-i'm-wrong-becuase-you-know-i'm-right voice as I shakily nodded my head.

"Good, now tell me, is there anybody that can tell you where Maya might of disappeared to?" Zuri asked as I nodded my head again.

"Yeah, but if I ask, I have to go alone. So you can't come with me," I mumbled again as Zuri slammed her fist in the table.

"To hell I am! I lost one of my best friends and I'm not going to loose another!" Zuri cried as I looked down in shame.

"I'm sorry Zuri," I replied giving a small smile as I stood up and walked out the door.

(Maya's POV)

"Hey Maya? Brandon's on the phone, he wants to talk to you," Mason tells me through my new 'bedroom' door. Seriously, the boys are the best. They literally bought me a new wardrobe and my very own bedroom. Not to mention it's so nice what they are doing for each other. The elder boys are teaching the younger ones anything they need to know from actual school stuff to housework to games.

"Coming!" I called back hopping off my bed and rushing down the stairs.

"Maya! What's up!" Brandon called, he's been doing this every day just to make sure I'm ok, what can I say, these boys are total sweethearts (not to mention have excellent manners).

"Hey Brandon," I called back as Mason leaves the room giving us some privacy.

"How's everything over there? They treating you right?" Brandon asked being over protective as I let out a giggle.

"Never better!" I replied cheerfully.

"Glad to hear you all happy. By the way Mitchel says come back quick, he misses you," Brandon told me as I let out an aww.

"Tell him a miss him too," I smile when all of a sudden a faint shout comes from the other side of the line.

"Brandon, what's going on?" I asked worriedly as brandon went silent for a few seconds.

"It's Griff..." He replied softly.

"I'm not ready yet, please don't tell him..."I started panicing as Brandon calmed me down.

"It'll be alright, we got your back, we'll tell you when he leaves" Brandon told me comfortingly as I nodded my head.

"Ok, thank you," I replied. I slowly paced around the room with the phone on speaker mode.

"WHERE'S BRANDON?!" I heard Griff yell from the other side.

"Right here! And calm down! You're scaring the little ones!" Brandon replied.

"Where's Maya? She's been gone for a week and I know you know where she is," Griff growled as I held in a breath as if it would prevent him from finding me.

"I don't know where she is..."Brandon started as Griff interrupted him.

"Who's on the phone, Brandon?" Griff growled as I could imagine him trying to size up to Brandon. There was a faint shuffling until Griff's voice became as clear as day.

"Maya? Maya I know it's you, please talk to me!" Griff cried as I carefully placed the phone on a table before slowly walking away, as if he could jump out from it at any second. I watched with wide eyes as Mason slowly entered the room without making a single sound.

"Maya? It's me Griff please talk to me!" Griff pleaded from the other side of the line as I looked at Mason for advice. With a slight nod from Mason I turned to the phone and gathered up all my strength.

"What do you want?" I reply coldly trying not to fall apart.

"Maya! Oh my god please come back! Zuri and I..." Griff continued as I let out a scoff.

"Of course, you and Zuri right? Goodbye Griff," I sneered and I pressed for the end button before collapsing in Mason's arms in tears.

(Griff's POV)

I dropped the phone in Brandon's awaiting hand as I slid down the wall in confusion. She's the one who chose the other boy, I didn't do anything! So why is she so mad at me?

"You messed up, big time," a little voice told me as I looked up to find Mitchell clutching the stuffed dog Maya gave to him.

"I don't know what I did though!" I cried throwing my hands up into the air.

"Well maybe all she needs to here is sorry?" Mitchel asked siting down next to me.

"If I could, I would. But I don't know where she is and she probably doesn't even want to talk to me anymore," I told him, totally avoiding the fact that I was trying to get dating advice from a 5 year old.

"Well Maya did once mention this place called Hollywood? Does that help?" Mitchell asked before he was called away. Hollywood? I thought Where the heck is that? Come on Griff! Think! They taught this in Juvey camp....

"Los Angles stupid," Mitchell peaked in one last time before walking away.

"Well how am I supposed to get to Los Angles?!"

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